Touching Speech From the Bride’s Mother

Your daughter's big day is coming and you are going through a lot of different emotions. Happiness mixed with a bit of sadness as your little girl has grown up so fast. She is going to light up her husband's life now. As a mother, you've had a special bond with your daughter. You can definitely share your feelings and give advice to the couple by delivering a touching speech at her wedding.

With all the preparations and a little bit of nervousness, it's difficult to prepare the speech. Don't worry! This article will give you ideas to write and deliver a heartfelt and light speech for your daughter and her new family.

Key Elements of the Speech

Having a close bond with your daughter gives you an edge. You can share as much as you want or mention the special moments in bits and pieces. That is why every mother-of-the-bride speech is unique and personal. The key elements of your speech can include love for your daughter, any special memories you want to share, your feelings on her big day, best wishes and advice for the couple. You can even crack a joke or two in your speech. You can keep it as short as you want or make it a little bit longer. In short, the mother-of-bride speech gives an outlet for expressing your emotions.

5 Tips on Writing and Delivering the Speech

These tips will make it easy for you to write a warm and expressive mother-of-the-bride speech. You don't have to think too hard and spend a lot of time writing a speech that will capture the essence of your emotions.

1. Brainstorming

When you start writing, simply put all your thoughts on paper. Don't try to organize them. Start in an informal way and write everything that comes to mind. You will see that as you have written everything, you can make a flow by arranging them in your own style and pattern. Cut out and add anything you like.

2. Welcome your guests

As you start your speech, welcome and acknowledge the people who have come to the wedding. For example, start like this: "Today, I welcome everyone who has come here with good wishes as my daughter is going to start a new chapter in her life. I am glad that you are here with us on this cheerful occasion." You can even name a few special people who are close to you and your daughter. This can be a good starting speech.

3. Address your son-in-law

Of course, the starting of your speech would be incomplete without addressing and welcoming your son-in-law. Talk to him as a new member of the family.

4. Happy memories and accomplishments

Choose positive and happy memories of your daughter's life. You can also talk about the beautiful moments you had with your daughter. Briefly mention some of her major accomplishments. Keep it concise so that the speech isn't too long and, worse, boring.

5. Express your love and best wishes for the couple

Finally, end your speech with best wishes for the couple in a heartwarming way.

Touching Samples to Nail Your Speech

With all the planning, organizing and shopping to make your daughter's wedding special for her, you hardly get time to write the speech. It's also a very emotional time in your life that you might find it hard to put your thoughts and feelings on paper. Don't be anxious! Get ideas from the following touching mother-of-the-bride speeches to nail your speech.

  • Hello, everyone. Today is a special day in my daughter's life. I welcome all of you to join us on this wonderful occasion. It's true that your wedding day is the most amazing day of your life. But for me, the happiest day of my life was the day you were born. That was a day full of hope and joy. As you grew older, I saw that you were strong but loving and kind at the same time. I saw the reflection of your dad in you as he taught you to read, to drive and to have that desire to go after your dreams. I am proud to say that you have achieved everything you wanted. I am happy that you have found the right partner for you. Message to the groom: I am glad to give my daughter's hand to you because I know that you will love and cherish her forever. As both of you are starting a new chapter in life, I wish and pray that you will always be happy in your little world.

  • On this day, I greet everyone wholeheartedly, especially my son in law and his family. As parents, you know that we love our kids so much that it seems unreal when we see them grow into these mature and smart human beings. Today, when I look at my daughter, I see a smart young woman. But somehow, I still see that little girl who filled my life with joy and happy memories. I am proud of you and my new son (groom). I see the blossom of love and mutual understanding when I look at both of you together. I wish that this blossom stays like this forever and that you can pass on your love to your children.

A side note: If your speech isn't the first one in the schedule, you don't need a full greeting at the beginning of your speech.

  • Hello everyone, I am a bride's friend. Yes, I am her friend and mother. Like all mothers, I always wanted the best for my daughter. But like all friends, I wanted her to be happy with whatever she does in life. And I am one of those lucky mothers who see their child happy and satisfied with life. And you know what! She made the best decision of her life when she told me that she wanted to marry this man (the groom). I was a little skeptical at first, but when I met him, all my doubts went away. My heart immediately said, "He is the one for my daughter because he is sincere with my little princess." I could see love in his eyes for my daughter. This is the dream of every parent. I am glad that both of you found love in each other and I hope that your bond will grow stronger with time.

  • I warmly welcome everyone on this special occasion. I am so happy to call the groom and his parents a part of my family. It seems like yesterday when my little girl was asking, "How did you know that dad was the right person for you?" And I remember saying, "You just know in your heart that you are meant to be together." She just laughed and said, "I won't believe it until I find someone who will just love me for who I am, like you and daddy." She was only 12 at the time. I was surprised at the maturity of her thoughts at such a young age. Then I knew that she will find an amazing life partner who will cherish her for who she is. Today, when I look at my daughter and her husband, my heart is swelled with pride. I know that they will love and respect each other more and more with each passing moment. I pray that yours will be a strong and happy marriage.

  • Hi, I am the bride's mother. I remember the time when her father and I met. It felt like a seed of love is planted in our hearts. We watched it grow into a strong tree. Now that we are old, that wise old tree is strongly rooted in our lives. This is the kind of connection and love I wanted for my children when they grow up and find a loving and kind partner. When my daughter brought her future husband to meet us, I saw that connection between them. He was so sweet and respectful of our family. I knew that my daughter has chosen an amazing life partner. We witnessed their love grow stronger and deeper in a few years. Now, all of us wish you a happy life together.

  • Wow! Daughter, you look incredibly beautiful and I wish that you stay that way with your husband. My heart is swelled with so much emotion that I find it difficult to describe what I am feeling. "Nobody has ever measured, not even the poets, how much the heart can hold." As a mother, I always wanted her to have all the happiness in the world. I always thought, "Will she ever find someone who can love her with all his heart?" So, I had a high standard for my daughter. But when I met your partner, I felt light and happy for my daughter. Seeing them together, I know that they deserve each other.

  • Thank you, everyone, for coming. "Some people arrive and make such a beautiful impact on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them." This is what I felt when I met my husband and when I was a bride. These are the relationships that give you strength and you simply can't imagine your life without them. Today, my daughter is the luckiest girl in the whole world because she has found a loving partner and a wonderful family. I hope that when you look back on this day, you will always smile thinking that you can't imagine your life without your man.

Go With Your Own Style

Remember that while you are nervous and emotional, stay positive when you write and deliver your speech. Go with your own flow and style but welcome everyone, especially your son-in-law and his family. Talk about happy memories and your daughter's achievements. Finally, end with a wish or with something meaningful. It's your daughter's wedding, cherish every moment. You can also cry if you are overwhelmed with emotions. It's not about delivering a perfect speech. A short and sweet speech that resonates with everyone's heart is all you need to make that day a special one.

Rabiya Ehtasahm
2017412 Article 72

Hi, I am Rabiya Ehtasahm and I am a writer. Exploring the nuances of life experiences, relationships, and friendship, I love to express the beauty hidden in human connection. Combining personal experience with keen observation, I talk about being confident and being yourself when we enter into new relationships. Writing about the intricacy of love, friendship and relationships is just like opening up our hearts and souls and knowing ourselves better. I hope that you make that deep connection with yourself and those around you through my blogs.