Top 10 Tips to Win Over the Girl of Your Dreams

Although there's no shortcut to win the affection of your dream girl, there are some skills and traits you can adopt which will help you work your way into her heart. Guys who know how to win over a girl understand that it's a natural process that takes some time, but if you play your cards right you are pretty much guaranteed to get your girl in the end.

We've done our research on the subject and we can now provide you with 10 top tips to win over your ideal girl.

Make an Impression on Her

Whenever you see her, make sure you do or say something that will remind her of you later. For example, if you see a gorgeous girl at a bar, you could send her a drink or send a waitress to ask her what she would like. Now, this is quite a common move, so you'll need to make your move stand out by sending a cute message, like "I just wanted to do something to see you smile." Let her enjoy her drink and wait a while before approaching her. Remember to be gentle and patient. Buying her a drink doesn't mean that you have paid for her phone number.

Show Her You Enjoy Communicating With Her

When she speaks to you, make a point of listening to her. Looking at her and showing interest in what she's saying will have a powerful impact on the way she feels about you. It makes her feel special, and you can do it with minimal effort. If you are able to recall something she said and make reference to it in the future, you will be worming your way into her heart without her even knowing it.

Compliment Specific Things About Her

This might be a little controversial but if everyone is honest, they'll agree on it. Girls who are obviously good looking (at least in your eyes) are not as easy to win over as plain girls. (Please don't send angry emails, it's a very general belief that's as old as time.) Therefore, if the girl of your dreams is particularly attractive you'll need the advanced levels of tips on how to win a girl over.

When complimenting a girl, try not to just say, "You look beautiful." She might have heard this many times before, and it wouldn't mean much to her. But if you say "You look so serene sitting there" or "Have you always been this graceful?" she is more likely to feel flattered. Make an effort with your compliments. Don't just blurt out whatever cliché pops into your head.

Be Persistent

You have probably heard this before, but it's true. Many women will tell you that they were touched and won over by the persistence of their boyfriend. At the same time, the persistence builds the desire and the value of the girl in the guy's mind, so they value each other and their relationship always goes smoothly.

Of course, it doesn't work all the time. Being too persistent may cause problems for both of you. So you have to set a time frame and sometimes it is wise to accept a "no".

Surprise Her

Most girls love gifts! It's not just the gift that they love either. It represents that you've been thinking of them. It's the knowledge that they're valuable enough to you that you're willing to spend your money (which you could have chosen to spend on anything else) on them. The gift doesn't have to be a tangible thing like a perfume, it could be an experience like tickets to the theatre. If you want to learn one of the most important tips on how to win a girl, it's this.

Build Trust

This tip comes immediately after tip 5 because, although surprises are important, they won't mean anything if she doesn't trust you. The girl you want to start a relationship with will need to know that she's not being played. Some guys are trained charmers and have been known to send the same gifts to every girl they're trying to get. The lady you like will make sure that you genuinely care about her and will need to know that her heart will be safe with you.

Things like sharing your secrets with her, talking about your early childhood, or showing her things that are meaningful to you, will let her know that you are willing to open your heart to her too. Do these things to build trust between you.


We all know women love confident men. It gives them a certain assurance that the man they're with has everything under control. No matter what happens, he'll be able to handle it. It makes them feel safe about the present and the future. To really learn how to win a girl over with confidence, couple it with chivalry! Hold doors open for her, hold her hand down the stairs, pull out her chair. You will be sure to sweep her off of her feet with all that traditional gentlemanly stuff that girls still love.

Be Attentive to Her Needs

Being attentive to her needs requires you to understand her personality. If she's the independent type, then her needs might simply be for you to listen to her moaning about work for the first 20 minutes of your date. If she's the last born child of her family, she'll probably be a bit of a baby and may need help in the kitchen or with car troubles. She could just be a regular girl who gets painful cramps at the beginning of every month, so you stop to buy her favorite chocolate on your way to see her. These little things mean that you have taken the time to know her and her needs.

Be Romantic

A little romance goes a long way. You don't have to reenact all the best scenes from her favorite rom-com for her to proclaim you a romantic guy. Planning a date in a candlelit restaurant or a picnic in the park will make any potential girlfriend content. Your romantic gestures will melt her heart no matter how small they might seem to you. You can turn up to your regular Wednesday date night with a single rose or you could play her a new love song you heard on the radio.

Be Yourself

Last but by no means the least on our list of top tips on how to win over a girl is to be yourself. All of the behaviors above will mean nothing if it's all an act. As easily as your applying them won you the girl, just as easily you'll lose her if she realizes that the guy she fell for was a fake. Be yourself! Just try to be the best version of yourself, which we should all be working towards whether we are trying to get a particular girl or not.

There are no tricks or secrets to winning over the girl of your dreams. If you are able to master the traits described above, it will do more than get you the girl. It will also teach you how to keep her and how to be a great boyfriend. If you have adopted the skills above yet for some unknown reason, it doesn't work out, at least you now know what to do when the right woman does come along.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.