Too Much Time Together Leads to an Unhealthy Relationship

Love is beautiful and blissful. It makes you feel new and powerful. Be careful though, it can also become your Achilles heel. As exciting as it may be, do not rush into a relationship. Go slowly and tentatively at first, otherwise, it will not have a chance to fully mature and grow. Some couples tend to spend a lot of time together while others simply do not. Some feel the need to spend a lot of time together. They feel it is vital for a relationship to develop. However, if you are spending too much time together and forget about your own aspirations and hobbies, it is a sign of an unhealthy relationship. As we say, too much of anything is not good.

Signs of Spending Too Much Time Together

Generally, there are a few signs to be careful about. If you notice any of the following signs, it means you are spending too much time together in your relationship.

1. No invitations

If you are not getting any invitations any more and your social life has turned drab and boring, it means you need to stop and reflect on your relationship. If you do not go out with your friends anymore, it is a sign of spending too much time together. Becoming cut off from the world does not help your personality. You might lose yourself in the process. So, it is likely both partners will get tired of each other soon.

2. Take things for granted

If you spend a lot of time together, you get used to it. A time comes when you stop trying to please each other and start taking things for granted. The things he or she does just because the other person loves you and is being nice does not mean he or she has to do it. This sprouts from spending a lot of time together. It is best to give each other a break to let the other person know your value. So that they will learn to treasure you.

3. Time without them

More often than not, it happens that if a couple is spending way too much time together, they get too used to each other. So much so that they cannot live a moment without wondering what the other person is doing. They stay together when they can. If they are at work or doing something, they keep texting or talking with any means possible. If the other person does not reply for some reason, it causes jealousy or anger for the lack of interaction even if it is for a while. This eliminates any chance of time for oneself.

4. Get bored around them

If your brain signals boredom about your girlfriend or spouse, it means you are spending too much together. You should ask yourself then, "am I spending too much time with my girlfriend?" The chances of having a healthy and balanced relationship are very thin if you are bored and your passion flickers out. The best therapy is to spend some time away from each or try something new and interesting to spice things up.

5. Physical attraction

Though the physical attraction is only the surface and a small part of a relationship, it is a widely known and accepted factor. Usually, the attraction is physical at first before it develops into something deeper. If you do not find your partner attractive any more, it means you are seeing too much of each other. Some time away from each other and meeting after a while can remedy the situation. Like meeting your date after a week and dressing up once in a while to light the sparks.

6. Distant from others

Falling in love with someone does not mean you have to leave everyone else in your life. This is exactly what generally happens when a person falls in love and gets into a relationship. He /she stops calling home, no longer hangs out with friends, and stops going home altogether. The parents complain the best friend gives you side-eye glances and the friends become awkward around you, not knowing what to say because they see you once in a blue moon. Even if you hang out, you bring your partner along with you that makes everything even more awkward. So it is important to have a social life. Go out, hang out with friends and family, and just have fun instead of spending too much time together. It will bring a positive change in your life.

7. Neglected things

If you are neglecting your job, housework, your pets and family, it is also a sign that you are spending too much time together. It means you are too distracted by your relationship. Spending too much time with your boyfriend or girlfriend can be exciting but it has its drawbacks. You lose your interest in things you loved to do. Life is after all about change and variety that brings out all the excitement and beauty. Don't neglect your passions and hobbies just for the sake of a new relationship.

8. Not knowing what to say

When you spend too much time together, a time comes when you run out of things to say to each other. If he or she is there to witness everything, you no longer know new stories and things to share. Seeing each other once a week or every few days lets you miss each other. You become more fond of each other and have more things to share. Give each other space, go out on a date occasionally, give little surprises to each other to make life more interesting.

Keep a Balance

Consider your behavior and ask yourself whether you should spend time together or away from each other. If the relationship is new, take it slowly, set out boundaries, and let it evolve with time. Social distancing, neglecting things, getting bored around each other, or being unable to stay away from each other results in different issues. You lose interest in each other and start taking things for granted when you spend too much time together. It all leads to an unhealthy relationship. Personal space and trying out exciting new things every once in a while are key factors to keep a relationship going without problems. Remember, you are your own person. Love others but love yourself more. Never lose yourself for the sake of a relationship.

Rabiya Ehtasahm
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Hi, I am Rabiya Ehtasahm and I am a writer. Exploring the nuances of life experiences, relationships, and friendship, I love to express the beauty hidden in human connection. Combining personal experience with keen observation, I talk about being confident and being yourself when we enter into new relationships. Writing about the intricacy of love, friendship and relationships is just like opening up our hearts and souls and knowing ourselves better. I hope that you make that deep connection with yourself and those around you through my blogs.