Tips on How to Flirt Subtly

Once in a while, you will see a person that catches your attention, and you end up interested in them. As a result of this interest, you will want to flirt with this person, but you won't want to make it too obvious or be considered weird. However, many of the flirting tips you find out there are pretty embarrassing and quite hilarious. In some cases, the other person may not even know how to respond to these advances. Do you think that the flirting tips on the internet are ill-suited to what you want? In that case, you need some subtle flirting tips. If you're wondering how to flirt subtly, this article has your back.

Make Eye Contact

Do you know the saying "the eyes are the mirror of the soul"? There's some truth to this. The eyes can let someone know that you are into them, so you should use this to your advantage.

You can try holding eye contact for longer than average and wait for their reaction. When doing this, watch out for their pupils. If they're dilated, it's a sign that they're into it, and you can keep going. If instead, they're small, they may not be into it, and you should stop. Also, try not to overdo it – maintaining eye contact for longer doesn't mean you should keep staring at them endlessly. They might get creeped out if you do this.

Use Your Smile

Aside from smiling with your eyes, you can give the other person a smile as a signal of approval. Smiling can be a subtle flirtation as it shows off your teeth, making you look more attractive. It's also a way to show openness to the other person. Not to mention that teeth show off your health better than age and makeup can. In terms of animals, baring teeth will have a mild fear effect, which sends signals that you're approachable.

Small Movements of Your Hands or Feet

If you're wondering how to flirt subtly, making physical contact is a great way to do so. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to grab them creepily or be all over them, but touching them lightly can be a turn-on. For example, you can do it by quickly brushing past them, or letting your hand or foot slightly touch theirs. It will cause a physical reaction, and will pretty much tell the other person that you can't resist touching them.

Pay Small Compliments

Paying someone a compliment is a cute and surefire way to flatter them. At the same time, showering someone with compliments may not be the way to go, unless you want to send them running for the hills. If you're trying to get a positive reaction, then you need to do some subtle flirting.

Instead of telling the other person that you like him/her, you should say what you find nice about them. For instance, you can say, "you look really good today!" and then continue the conversation without waiting for a response. The other person will know something's up and that you might be into them.

Ask Questions

Try asking uncommon questions. For instance, don't ask "what's up?" and expect them to tell you their entire life story. It would help if you ask questions that will go deeper than simple, one-word answers.

For example, you can go with "what's your favorite type of music, and why?" or "who's your favorite musician, and what do you like about them?" These types of questions will help the other person talk more and give more in-depth answers. Asking "do you like music?" or "do you like this band?" on the other hand, may only provide you with a "yes" or "no" answer.

Share with Others

Sharing is caring. You've probably heard this before. It's not difficult to share something, and it's a way to make a good impression on the other person. Whether you're eating some fries, chips, or chocolate, ask the other person if he/she wants some. It will show them that you care and that you would be willing to share with them, which is a good sign.

End the Conversation First

End the conversation first, even when you feel like finding out more about the person at that particular moment. Even if you're eager to know more and find out everything about them fast, you shouldn't wait until you've run out of ideas for conversation. It would be best if you ended the conversation while it still feels energetic, as this will make a good impression.

This way, you make the other person eager to meet you again and share more things. When the other person is left wanting more, you're winning.


Subtly flirting with someone is better than acting funny or embarrassing around them. Quick, subtle touches, eye contact, compliments, and a smile are good ways to flirt, and they're subtle. So, if you were wondering how to flirt subtly, make sure you follow the tips above, and you will make everything uncomplicated instead of awkward and embarrassing.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.