Tips and Tricks on How to Text Somebody After a First Date

What to text after the first date usually gives people headaches. If you don't know a person you've just hung out with, it can be even more tricky. Don't worry, there are always things that you can use as an excuse to text your date. We are so lucky that we are now able to send people text messages because this seems as rather far easier than talking in person or on the phone. When you are texting behind the screen, it buys you time to think about what you're going to write. Also, none of your emotional reactions can be noticed.

You should definitely text your date after the first date because by doing that you definitely increase your chance to see him or her again.

What to Text a Person After the First Date

1. Tell your date that you've had a really good time

This is the easiest way to start a conversation after your date ends. Nonetheless, sometimes it is pretty hard to continue the conversation after his or her reply, especially if it's short. That's why you should mention, for example, why you had a good time or what you like the most about it. If interested, he or she will likely continue the conversation. But even if that doesn't happen, it's okay. You will know how that person feels about everything and you won't have your precious time wasted.

2. Pretend that you lost something when we were out and ask about it

Think of something that can be easily forgotten somewhere, for example, earphones or something like that. You can ask your date if he or she saw it anywhere when you two were together. After that, you can easily continue with the conversation. You can talk about pretty much anything after that, and there is no chance that a person will guess that you've sent a message only because you want to keep in touch. That can conceal your affection towards your date a bit, which is perhaps better at the beginning. Too much affection at once could make anybody run away.

3. Start a conversation about something that you have talked about

Try to remember what you have talked about on a date, for example, some music bands or movies that you both like. Send that person something related to that and add some small message like: "thought you might like it". This is a very good way to text someone after a date because it's very thoughtful. It's like a little gift that you send to a person. You will indirectly indicate that you are a very good listener as well. If you ask me what to text a guy after a date, I would definitely recommend this. Your date will certainly appreciate the fact that you remembered what he or she is interested in.

4. Ask about a second date

This sounds scary, but it will show that you are a courageous person who has high self-esteem and has a strong sense of self. And to be fair, if you like the person, why wouldn't you ask that person out again? You can write something like: "What a date! What do you say about another one?"

Don't feel rejected if your second date gets postponed. Maybe he or she really is busy. If it's postponed a few times in a row, that might indicate a lack of interest in seeing you again. But trust me, if your date likes you as well, you will certainly see each other again pretty soon.

5. Check if your date got home safely

If you show that you care about someone's safety, it will warm that person's heart and make him or her feel special and cherished. All kinds of dangers are lurking outside, especially late at night. Checking if he or she is safe is maybe the best form of text after the first date. The only thing you need to think of is how to continue the conversation since it can be a little tricky. It usually depends on the length of the answer you get.

6. Express gratitude for the great time you two have spent together

Just make sure that you are not too cheesy. Be casual and friendly, because if you get too affectionate, it might be too much for a first date. Say something like: "Thank you, I haven't laughed that much in ages!" Just try not to be too romantic and sleazy. Merely saying thank you is enough.

7. Ask what he or she thinks about your date

You don't have to be straightforward. Just don't be self-deprecating and ask questions like: "Did I bother you?" That would only show that your self-esteem is low and that you don't respect yourself enough.

8. Give your date a compliment

You can say that he or she really has a great sense of humor, or that you haven't met someone that smart in ages. But by no means, don't flatter or say something you don't really mean. That's manipulative, conniving and it wouldn't be fair. Plus, that person might see through it and it would ruin everything. Honesty is just fine and good enough. I suggest you compliment his or her personality traits, not looks. If you do that, it might look like you are superficial and that you care only for physical appearance.


What to text after the first date doesn't have to be such a difficult question to answer. If you really like someone, don't hold onto your pride and wait for someone to text you first. Be mature and instigate a conversation if you want it. As you can see from the text above, there are plenty of ways to do so, and based on your date's reaction and willingness to reply, you can infer his or her opinion about you. Also, maybe you will be the first one to get a message after you two separate and go home.

You can even wait for a few minutes to see if you will receive a message before you send one. A very good piece of advice I can give you is not to write messages that are too long or too emotional. Just be casual and stay true to yourself. Don't try to be something that you are not. If you follow this advice, I am sure that you will certainly see the person you like again!

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.