Thank You, Mom: A Letter for the Extraordinary Mothers

Sending a thank you letter to Mom is a timeless way of genuinely displaying our gratitude to that loving and sacrificial woman who, by nature or nurture, made us the independent person we are today. We can guiltlessly say that without the presence of a mother in our lives, many of us would have been long gone, either through death or insanity. Even when she lacks the superpower to protect us from the many challenges in the world, she tries to make up for it with her warm concern and words of encouragement to keep us strong.

Unquestionably, a thank you letter to Mom bearing a million words could never fully capture the gravity of the role she has played and/or is still playing in our lives. And when we look back on the times we disregarded her motherly sacrifices, we can't help but wish we could make it right for her now in whatever way we can. Whether it is for Mother's Day or just a spur-of-the-moment decision, writing a thank you letter to Mom could seem daunting if you aren't properly guided. Below is a draft to help you write a letter to your amazing mom.

Thank You Letter to Mom

Dear Mom,

I want to thank you for being the best mom to me.

I remember the countless times you watched me being driven away on the school bus until it was out of sight. I could never forget how you walked kilometers back home only to resurface in the afternoon before the school bus dropped us off at the bus stop. I didn't walk to school nor did I walk back home after school as you carried me on your back. Whenever I cried, you wept. My joy made you dance, and life was simple and sweet with your cheery bedtime stories.

I also wish to thank you for standing with me when I was in an emotional mess four months ago. It wasn't the first time you had proven to be my immovable rock, but the difference lies in the exceptional way you handled my hopelessness.

At times, I wonder how you were able to restrain yourself from punching me hard in the face when I insulted you with horrible words as if you were the cause of my pain. You took it all in with good grace and went on to care for me without grudges. Thank you, Mom, for forgiving me before I asked you to. I pray that you will live long so you can reap the fruits of your sacrifices for me. I promise to never, ever hurt you with my words and actions again.

Mom, if words were ornaments of gold, I would have sent thousands of them to you, all representing my thoughts of gratitude. Many times, I have had the privilege to talk with my dear friends and colleagues about our moms. And each time, I am compelled to think that God made you different from other mothers. You see, I haven't heard of or met any mom who is as strict as you are yet crowned with a heart of compassion. Your discipline wore down my spine of stubbornness, and your compassion ensured that I never lacked anything good as I grew up. You did everything for me in love and for love.

Thank you for being a role model of truth and integrity. Thanks for choosing the right path of decency for the sake of your kids. You were a widow who made the ultimate sacrifice to stay unmarried until we could find our feet as adults. Not once did I see you indulge in any activity that could compromise your decision to be the superwoman we heard about in the stories you read to us. Often, you chose to teach us more with your actions than through words. And learn, we did, to positively influence our worlds.

Thank you for the terrific gift you sent to me through Dave. I never imagined that you could do such a thing for an adult man like me. But then, how can I forget that, to you, I am still that little boy who you nursed to health when doctors had written him off? How can I explain the unshakable faith you had that I would become a renowned professional someday? Even this suitcase you gave me holds a note bearing your words of encouragement for me.

Mams, I may not be able to repay you for your love, but one thing I know is that I can never take your love for granted. Heaven and Earth will bear witness that I love you endlessly.

Your heartbeat,


Let's Write One Letter to Our Mother: Structure of the Letter

  • Salutation: Your letter should (obviously) indicate that your mom is the one who the letter was exclusively written for. Open it with a salutation (Dear Mom).

  • Expression of thanks: The letter should begin at once with its aim, which is to thank your mom (I want to thank you for…). Rather than save it for later, it is best to go straight to the point as to why you are writing to her.

  • Add details: Make the details be specific, too. Unless you are in a hurry to write a thank you letter to your mom, it is important that you describe the reasons why you are thanking her in your letter. In the sample above, there are six paragraphs of specific details to substantiate the thank you letter to your mom.

  • A bit of promise will be appreciated: Your letter should indicate that you plan to show your appreciation to your mom with your future actions (Mams,....I can never take your love for granted…).

  • Close the letter: Once you are through with developing the body, you can end the letter with your regards, such as signing as "Your heartbeat" as shown in our draft. Some others there you can use are "Your dear son" or " Your loving daughter". You can add your own personal touch here.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.