Sweet “You Mean the World to Me” Quotes

There are some people in our lives who mean everything to us. They are the ones who take care of us and stay by our side through thick and thin. Love has such broad horizons that we don't even know where to begin. How to express our love and gratitude for our loved ones is difficult because words cannot describe the depth of this emotion. You don't have to say it all the time but if you snuck a little card or tag a beautiful quote with a gift, it leaves a mark on their memory forever. "You mean the world to me" quotes are not only for lovers. You can say them to your parents, friends, children and anyone who is very close to you. It will be very special for them and they will cherish these words forever.

You Are My World

These sweet and touching "you mean the world to me" quotes will help you in expressing your emotions in a deep and heart-warming way. By telling someone that they are a lot to you, you strengthen the bond with that person even more.

Quotes for someone special

When you are in love, nothing compares to the bond you have with that "special someone". Tell them with an open heart that they are your love and your life. These "you are special" quotes will help you in being more open and warm when you tell them how you feel. Some examples of these quotes are presented below:

  • "To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world." – Brandi Snyder.

  • "You don't just mean the world to me, you are my world." – Dedrick D. L. Pitter.

  • "You are special. You're the most special person in the world to me." – R.K. Lilley.

  • "Not from the whole wide world I choose thee, sweetheart, the light of the land and the sea. The wide, wide world could not enclose thee. For thou art the whole wide world to me." – R. W. Gilde.

  • "I can't imagine how life would be without you. You make the world complete. You mean the world to me. I can't live without you." – Babee Star.

  • "If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me. When I see you, the World stops. It stops and all that exists for me is you and my eyes staring at you. There's nothing else. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow. The World just stops, and it is a beautiful place, and there is only you." – James Frey.

  • "I don't know how I ever lived before. You are my life, my destiny. Oh my darling, I love you so. You mean everything to me." – Neil Sedaka.

  • "You are the air that I breathe, you are my steps when I am weak. You are the love of my life, I see the world in your eyes." – Unknown.

Friends for life

Call them weirdos or your secret keepers, your friends can mean so much to you. Surprise them on their birthdays or special occasions by telling them how much they mean to you. They will absolutely love these emotional "you mean the world to me" quotes.

  • "You will never know how much I care. You are my best friend, my soulmate and my everything. You mean the world to me and I never want that to end. Me, without you, is like Adam without Eve. It is just unnatural. you might just be my best friend and I might not be anything to you. But I do love you with all my heart." – Sharon O'Carlin.

  • "Friends celebrate with you, they cry with you, they hold you when you need to be held. They laugh with you. They're mean with you! They're always there, and it's just a priceless thing to have." – Jennifer Lopez.

  • "You are a friend, an adviser, a mentor. You mean everything to me." – Unknown.

  • "In all our time together, you've come to mean so much to me. You are my best friend and you mean the world to me." – Unknown.

  • "Making you smile is a part of my daily routine. That is my way of letting you know that you make my life have a sense." – Unknown.

  • "I laugh harder with you. I feel more myself with you. I trust you with me - the real me. When something goes wrong, or right, or I hear a funny joke, or I see something bizarre, you are the first person I want to talk to about it." – Samantha Young.

  • "Our pointless conversations mean the world to me." – Unknown.

  • "I'd like to say I'm grateful for the bond that we have found and the happiness that comes from simply having you around. Knowing you makes my life the best that it could be." – Unknown.

  • "Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts." – Margaret Lee Runbeck.

Quotes for the family

Love knits the whole family together. The wisdom of grandparents, the love and guidance of parents, the sweetest and purest love from children, quarrels between siblings and so much more. This is exactly what family looks like- a little chaotic and yet you can't imagine a life without loving each other. Despite their differences, they mean so much to you.

  • "My dear father; my dear friend. The best and wisest man I ever knew, who taught me many lessons and showed me many things as we went together along with the country by-ways." – Sarah Orne Jewett.

  • "There's something like a line of gold thread running through a man's words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years, it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself." – John Gregory Brown.

  • "It was my father who told me to value myself. He told me I was uncommonly beautiful and that I was the most precious thing in his life." – Dawn French.

  • "Your children are not your children, they come through you, but they are life itself, wanting to express itself." – Wayne Dyer.

  • "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." – Abraham Lincoln.

  • "I believe in the strength and intelligence and sensitivity of women. My mother, my sisters, they are strong. My mum is a strong woman and I love her for it." – Tom Hiddleston.

  • "I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know." – Mitch Albom.

  • "Your parents leave you too soon and your kids and spouse come along late, but your siblings know you when you are in your most inchoate form." – Jeffrey Kluger.

  • "I know it's a cliche, but the whole family is just whacked. I mean, we're all out of our minds. They're the funniest, most eccentric bizarre people I've ever met, my siblings." – Dana Carvey.

  • "Grandchildren are loving reminders of what we're really here for." – Janet Lanese.

Feel and Express That Warmth

It's such a cozy feeling to be loved by so many people around you. Now, it's up to you to share, give back and express your love for them. They will keep little gestures such as "you mean the world to me" quotes like precious gems in their hearts. Share these sweet quotes with your partner, friends or family and tell them how special they are to you.

Rabiya Ehtasahm
2012039 Article 72

Hi, I am Rabiya Ehtasahm and I am a writer. Exploring the nuances of life experiences, relationships, and friendship, I love to express the beauty hidden in human connection. Combining personal experience with keen observation, I talk about being confident and being yourself when we enter into new relationships. Writing about the intricacy of love, friendship and relationships is just like opening up our hearts and souls and knowing ourselves better. I hope that you make that deep connection with yourself and those around you through my blogs.