Signs That It’s Safe to Trust Him

Trust is a vital part of every healthy relationship. It's the responsibility of both parties to make sure they do what it takes to maintain their partner's trust. The tricky part is that trust is very fragile; even one small lie can break it. Once it is destroyed, rebuilding it can be a long and hard process.

People who have been hurt or betrayed in the past struggle with getting into new relationships. They want to know if it's safe to trust this new person. It's not always easy to tell who is trustworthy and who is not. If you've met someone new and now need to find out "how to know if I can trust him," this article will explain some of the signs you should see if he's trustworthy.

1. He's open with you

You've met a guy and he seems like your Mr. Right, but how do you know whether you can trust him or not? One sign of a trustworthy character is openness. When a man easily shares information about his past or details of the events of his day, this could mean that he's an open and honest person. He probably doesn't have anything to hide so he's happy to freely share about his life.

2. He doesn't avoid your questions

Guys who are trying to juggle two girls or are inappropriately flirty will tend to act suspiciously when you ask them questions. A man you can trust will not try to avoid any questions you ask them. If you have told him about your trust issues, he'll understand that when you ask questions it's because you're asking yourself "can I trust him?".

If he wants to build trust between you he'll answer any questions you might have patiently and in detail.

3. You know his schedule

Most of us have schedules that we stick to. If we're in uni, we'll have our set timetable, if we work a job, we'll have our working hours that we follow. A trustworthy man who has a set schedule will most often stick to his routine and you'll know where he is supposed to be at any given time. If he does happen to do something out of the ordinary, it's likely he'll share it with you because of his open nature.

4. You exist on his social media

A guy that doesn't want to be tied down to one person will hide his partner from his social media accounts. His profile will not mention his relationship status and he certainly won't post any obvious pictures of you together. However, if you have a clear presence on his page, you'll know that you have found yourself a man you can trust.

5. He has never lied to you before

Even if you've been hurt in the past, assuming that all guys are the same will hurt all your relationships in the future. If you've never had any reason to believe that he's lied to you before, then you shouldn't question his honesty and keep wondering 'can I trust him?' His never lying to you is a good indication that you can.

6. He's not stressed all the time

Leading a double life and keeping secrets can be a challenging feat. A man that has something to hide will oftentimes be short-tempered and paranoid. If your guy is relaxed when he's with you and doesn't often show signs of stress, you should feel safe to trust him.

7. Eye contact

You'll have to be a really good liar to look someone dead in their eyes and lie to them. An honest man will enjoy looking into the eyes of the woman he has feelings for. The only other time a guy might avoid giving you eye contact is if he's shy. So be careful not to assume that he's trying to hide something from you when he's probably just overcome by your beauty or intimidated by your awesomeness!

8. He acts funny with his phone

You know a dishonest guy when you simply want to glance at his phone to see the time and he freaks out. If you were to say 'can I borrow your phone? I need to use the calculator' he'll look at you with a horrified expression and ask you why do you need to calculate something? Where's your phone? Why don't you calculate it in your head? And he will say many other things to avoid actually giving you their phone! This kind of behavior is definitely a red flag. A guy who wants to establish trust with you will not only be willing to allow you to use his phone.

9. He has wandering eyes

Ugh, I really cannot stand those guys that sneakily look at you when they're with their significant other. You'll see them in the lobby of the cinema or in the aisles of the supermarket. They might even have their children with them. Yet there they are staring at you with their lust filled eyes over their girlfriend's shoulder. I would always feel bad for the women because it seemed like they were being betrayed right under their noses! I vowed I will never date a guy that has wandering eyes because staring at other women in this way is like a betrayal in itself. When you're out with your boyfriend all you need to do is look at his face from time to time to see where he's looking. If he has wandering eyes, you'll notice it easily.

10. He doesn't avoid your friends and family

There are many reasons why your friends and family will be able to see things in your partner that you won't be able to see yourself. The major one is that they are not blinded by the affection that you have for him. Most men know this is the case, so if they are trying to deceive or take advantage of you they will avoid being around your friends and family. A guy that truly wants to take you seriously and be in your life for the long haul will be eager to meet your people.


Trust is an important aspect of relationships. The advice given in this article will help you to feel confident that you can trust him or it will help you recognize the signs that you shouldn't trust him. Either way, real effort on both your parts can help you build a strong foundation of a mutually trusting relationship.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.