Is It True That Men Prefer Long Hair?

Are you someone that has always worn your hair a certain length, and you're wondering now if you should either cut it off or grow it out? Have you been questioning whether your partner will like you better with long or short hair?

What exactly is the answer to the question "Do guys prefer long hair or short hair?" And how long is long? In the meantime, here are some things to consider. Growing your hair out can take a long time. Have patience and put a picture of the style you're after up on your mirror.

If you already have long tresses but wonder if the style is one that makes your partner feel like he can't take his eyes off you, consider doing some online research about styles for your particular face type. Are you unsure as to what that is? Try going here to figure it out.

Believe it or not, the shape of your face can have a huge effect on the attractiveness of your hairstyle. Once you have that part of the puzzle figured out, you'll have acquired the basic ammunition to conspire with your hairdresser to create the perfect "come and get me" look.

So let's talk some more about what men really like in a woman's hair and why guys like long hair.

If you've been pondering the age-old question "Do guys like long hair?", you're not alone. Our hair, ladies, is one of our most prized possessions, is it not? So you want it to be perfectly styled and perfectly cut for that "just right" look that feels good and keeps your partner's eyes on you. So let's look at some of the research.

According to Retox Magazine, there appear to be six key reasons why men prefer women with long or longer hair. Long, however, is subjective, so we'll define it here by clarifying it doesn't have to be down to your waist to be attractive, vibrant, or alluring.

Reason 1

Have you ever been behind someone and not known for certain if they were a she or a he? Or worse yet, have you ever approached someone you thought was a guy, only to get closer and realize your mistake? The best comeback, when she turns around and eyes you suspiciously, is "Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else!" You can leave out the "something" else.

Short hair creates confusion, at least for men. They want to be able to discern your gender from a distance, avoiding potentially embarrassing moments.

Reason 2

Men are more likely to help women with flowing tresses. In a research study available on PubMed, the same woman sporting three different styles of her long hair purposely (but not obviously) dropped a glove on the sidewalk. The three styles included long and flowing (loose on her neck and shoulders), pulled back into a ponytail, and an updo in a bun.

The researchers found that more men stopped to pick up and return, thus help, the woman when her hair was left down and loose against her neck, back, and shoulders. There did not seem to be any sort of differential effect on how often women stopped to help.

Reason 3

While you're at the salon, your man is having his own "me time" at home, a friend's place, or out playing some pool. Let's face it - as much as you like spending time together, you both look forward to having your own space sometimes as well.

So while you're being supremely pampered at the beauty salon, maybe even getting a pedicure while the stylist completes her finishing touches, your man is enjoying his own boy's night in or out.

Reason 4

Your hair is the frame for your face. Just like the frame for a piece of fine art, you want that frame to enhance your facial features in the best way possible (hence the importance of knowing your face's shape).

When one sees long hair on a woman, especially when it "moves", there is something categorically feminine about that, and men notice.

Reason 5

Long hair has always been seen as more feminine and short hair as more masculine. There is a certain "organic" nature to this that may even date back to prehistoric times. Remember the pictures in your high school history book of the Neanderthal dragging his mate by the hair? Ouch! Maybe longer hair gives off more pheromones.

Long hair is considered beautiful, seductive, and resplendent in its brilliance - just the traits that attract men. So much so, that they almost can't help but gravitate to women with longer hair. It's a subconscious pull to seek a partner with hair they can tousle, run their fingers through, and frankly, looks sexy against the pillow!

Reason 6

Last but certainly not least, long hair seduces men. While it may not be the thing to do during a job interview, a woman that plays with a strand of long hair while talking to a man will have his rapt attention. While strolling through the park or along the beach, men love it when the wind takes your hair across part of your face, giving you that mysterious "I'm keeping something from you" look. It drives them crazy!

Long, healthy and shiny hair is also considered a sign of fertility and youth, viewed by some scientists as a form of sexual selection. (

Others just simply believe long hair is sexier than short, no matter what your age or "type". And that's all they care about. What woman doesn't want to look sexy?

Are you convinced? There's a lot of evidence answering the question "Why do guys like long hair?" If yours is already long, kudos to you! If you're at a loss for styling ideas, try these websites for some inspiration:

If your hair is short, and you're comfortable with the idea of growing it out, then, by all means, go for it. To get you through the dreaded "middle" stage, try extensions. They may just save your sanity...and your hair.

Here are some simple tips to grow your hair out faster from our friends at Vogue:

  • Get frequent trims. Getting rid of split, dry, or brittle ends on a regular basis keeps your hair healthy and can help prevent breakage.

  • As much as you may believe blondes have more fun, resist the temptation - at least while you're growing your hair out. Bleach breaks down the cuticle of your hair, making it more prone to breakage.

  • Get a good brush, and give your hair some loving strokes every night before going to bed. That helps to distribute the natural oils throughout your hair, keeping it stronger and healthier. If you do it with your head upside down, you're helping your scalp, too, infusing it with a fresh blood supply.

  • It really is true that you are what you eat, and so is your hair. Protein is important for healthy and strong strands, so get plenty of fish, beans, whole grains, and fatty acids.

  • Another temptation to avoid is heat styling tools. If you feel it's a must in your styling regime, use a heat protectant and turn down the temperature. Why? Too high of heat can also cause breakage.

  • Honestly, you don't have to shampoo every day. Even when using the best shampoos and conditioners, every time you do, you wash away your hair's natural protectants and oils. They need time to "sit" on your hair and be absorbed into the hair shaft.

  • If you're not able to eat the healthiest diet for whatever reason, think about adding a complete vitamin to your morning regime.

  • A hot, steamy shower feels so soothing on your skin, but your hair doesn't like it. Your hair and your skin will appreciate a cool rinse before getting out, shrinking pores and closing the cuticle of your hair.

  • Wet hair is especially susceptible to breaking, so be gentle brushing or combing out your wet hair. Use a good quality conditioner before getting out of the shower, and gently run your fingers through those tangles to better distribute the creamy conditioner. Rub the ends between your palms. Then rinse. Remember to turn the water temp down.

  • Are you concerned about the amount of hair left in your brush or in the tub? Believe it or not, there's a Rogaine for women. The active ingredient is minoxidil which helps stimulate regrowth.

  • I don't know about you, but when I wake up, my hair is a tangled mess. It looks like I've been rotating in a wind tunnel. That's because your hair can stick to your pillowcase as you turn over in bed. Try switching to a silk pillowcase and let your hair glide along with your every sleepy move.

  • Treat your hair the way you treat your skin. If after using a product, your hair feels sticky, dry, or coarse, then it probably is. Switch to something that makes your hair feel as soft and supple as what you demand from your skin cream.

At the end of the day, it's about you and what kind of hairstyle you're comfortable in. Guys may prefer long hair on us, but they don't have to do the work. If your guy threatens to leave if you don't grow out your hair, maybe it's time to outgrow your guy.

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