How You Can Cast a Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love With You

The need for love is a natural human desire, so it's understandable that loneliness or the pain of unrequited love can push you to look for ways to take matters into your own hands.

Not many people believe in magic or spells that can make someone fall in love. They may not be completely wrong for doubting them either, because it's only in specific kinds of circumstances that love spells can work.

If your love life is in desperate need of some magical assistance and you need to learn how to make someone fall in love with you with a spell, we have done our research and compiled some simple rituals you can perform which will do the trick. (pardon the pun!)

What Are Love Spells?

Love spells are rituals performed to attract love. It can be the attraction of love in general, increasing your love for yourself, or manipulating the will of another person to love you. When directed at a particular person, the spell will act like a magnetic force drawing the person to you.

Does Love Spell Really Work?

Whatever people might think about them, love spells have been around for as long as we have been able to find records of them. Love spells have been found and dated as far back as 2200 BCE, recorded on preserved tablets uncovered at Tell Inghara and Isin (modern Iraq).The tablets detail rituals of erotic and other kinds of magic.

According to legends and all of our research, love spells will only work if the heart of the person who is casting the spell is pure, if their intentions are clear and - here's the real catch - if the person the spell is made for already has fond feelings for the caster. Also, there are many steps and conditions that have to be aligned perfectly for your spell to be effective.

But Beware:

There are a few things you will need to be aware of before attempting to cast love spells.

  • Spells cannot actually force someone to love you; they can only enhance the feelings they already have for you.

  • If your intentions are not set with purpose, the spells might not work or - even worse - their results could get dark.

It can backfire! If your spiritual guides know that you are making the wrong choice, they will prevent your spell from working as they know the results will not be good for you.(For example, if you're lighting your love candle and the wick refuses to light or the flame keeps going out, then your spiritual guides are blocking you.)

Some Simple Love Spells for Beginners

The rituals below are for those of you who want to know the simplest ways to make someone fall in love with you with a spell. Love spells work best when cast on Venus's days, which are Fridays. Venus is the goddess of love. Before doing any of these spells, bathe, meditate on your desire, and write your letter of intent.

1. Daily affirmations

Affirmations are positive words of encouragement and desire that become your own personal mantra. Choose statements that will let the universe know that you know you're worthy and deserving of love. Every morning and evening, look in the mirror and recite the words you've written. These words will reprogram the vibrations you're putting out and will help you bring in love, attracting a partner who's on your level.

2. To find a dream lover

This is a simple ritual to attract a lover. You will need sage, rose petals, lavender, pomegranate seeds, and pink or clear quartz crystal. Make a fabric bag, place them all inside and keep the bag under your bed or pillow while you sleep. In about two weeks you'll draw your "dream" lover into your life.

3. The honey jar

This little spell was sent to us by a white witch who told us "my spell will make you cute to the object of your affection." She assured us that, if done properly, the charm will work very well.

Write the full name of your crush on a small piece of paper. Place the paper into a jar full of honey. Keep it somewhere safe and in about a week or two, the person will become as sweet on you as you are on them.

Advanced Love Spells

The following spells are a little more advanced with more steps and requiring more items.

4. A spell to make someone love you deeply

For this spell you will need:

  • Red silk cord 1 meter long
  • A picture of yourself
  • A picture of the person you're casting the spell for
  • The dried petals of 6 red roses
  • Perfume
  • A large glass jar

Place the petals of the roses into the jar and chant:

"If you want to listen and you want love, open your heart and never forget me."

Spray some perfume into the jar. Take the two pictures and wrap the meter of silk cord around them while chanting the same words. Put the wrapped pictures into the jar and place the jar on an altar (you can create your own) for 7 days. On the 8th day, open the jar and allow the room to be filled by the fragrance. On the 9th day, the person will fall deeply in love with you. When the spell is complete, either bury the jar in earth or drop it into a freshwater river or lake.

5. The spell to keep their heart

For this spell you will need:

  • A doll
  • A picture of the object of your desire
  • A few strands of their hair
  • Pins
  • Half a pound of black mustard seeds
  • Large red cloth
  • Red vermillion

You can make the doll using wheat flour, making the dough into a doll by rolling and molding it into the shape of a body. it's important to depict the doll as male or female as required, by carving the genitalia into it.

When ready, stick the picture and the hair of the person onto the head of the doll. Sprinkle some red vermillion over it.

Take between 5 to 7 pins to prick yourself with. Make sure they all have a little of your blood on the tips.

Pierce all the pins into the heart of the doll. The more pins you use, the faster the magic works and the more powerful the results.

Completely wrap the mustard seeds and the doll into the red cloth. Tie as many knots as you can in the cloth. While tying the knots chant:

"Let it be the night of no moon, no one should be with me. Let your heart be mine forever and ever."

Take the doll to an intersection road near your house. When someone finds it and unties the knots, the heart of the person for whom you have cast the spell will be yours. Make sure no one is around when you are performing the spell so that you are not disturbed during the spell. This spell has been known to be very potent. However, it does not happen instantly; it will take some time for you to see the results.


This is how to make someone fall in love with you with a spell for anyone who feels they need supernatural help to bring love into their lives.

If you are ready to try any of them, make sure to follow the advice and precautions given. Set realistic expectations for the results so that you are not disappointed if it doesn't work for you. Remember that love spells will not work if they are not carried out correctly or if the love you desire is not meant to be.

Sarah Wahab
783181 Article 92

My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.