How to Write an Apology Letter to Your Girlfriend

If life went the way we would like it to, we would never mistakenly hurt the ones we love. But alas, the reality is that at times we are bound to do something that upsets the person closest to us.

If you've done something that has seriously hurt or irritated your girlfriend, it can be difficult to know what to do or say to make it better. Sometimes, simply saying "I'm sorry" just isn't good enough. So why not write her a letter? A heartfelt letter of apology will impress her and be sure to ease the tension between you.

Here is some inspiration to help you compose an apology letter to your girlfriend.

A Simple Structure of an Apology Letter for Your Girlfriend

An apology letter to a girlfriend does not have to be many pages long for her to understand how sorry you are. You can still make your girlfriend happy with a letter that is short, sweet, and to the point.

A simple structure of a short letter will acknowledge her feelings. You'll offer your apology and ask for her forgiveness.

My darling (name),

I know I hurt you, but I hope you know that I never meant to. I am so sorry for the pain I've caused you, please forgive me.

Forever yours,


A Short Letter to a Girlfriend

If your offense has caused your girlfriend a lot of distress, then you can write a letter that is a few paragraphs long.

This structure will also acknowledge her hurt feelings, and you can explain how something like that could happen and promise her that you've taken measures so that it will never happen again.


I can see how much my behavior has hurt you, and I want you to know that I completely understand why you feel this way. You are justified in feeling neglected - I would feel the same way if it was the over way around! I know I've been working a lot lately and leaving you on your own. All those evening meals alone must have been very lonely for you.

I see now that I need to prioritize you and our relationship.

I promise I will be less of a workaholic. I will carve out quality time for us and will commit to at least one date night a week. I promise that I will put you first and that things will be better between us in the future.

Give me another chance to prove to you how much you mean to me.

I sincerely apologize for the pain I have caused you. Please forgive me.

All of my love,


A Long Apology Letter to a Girlfriend

Some circumstances can demand that a longer letter is written. If the mistake made requires an explanation before the apology can be accepted, then this is your best chance of getting your girlfriend to understand and forgive you.

The structure you could use would first let her know that you understand her feelings and why what you did hurt her. You can then explain what caused you to do what you did. Then assure her that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. Apologize and ask for her forgiveness, acknowledging that this cannot happen instantly.

To My One and Only,

I want you to know that I have spent a lot of time thinking of the right words to say to you. I know how much my actions have hurt you and I feel so incredibly bad about that. I am ashamed of myself for hurting the person I care for more than anyone else in this world. I know that trust is fragile and it breaks my heart to think that I have risked damaging the precious trust between us. I can understand that you feel disrespected and demeaned by my actions.

You are so beautiful and so good, you do not deserve to be treated that way.

My mistake was about me and my flaws, it has nothing to do with how amazing you are and how much I adore you.

I don't blame you for hating me right now. If I were you, I would hate me too. I never thought I could ever betray you, but the fact is that I simply had too much to drink that night. I can't even remember kissing that girl, so obviously she didn't mean anything to me. I know that sounds like a lame excuse, but I swear it's the truth.

I wish I could go back and undo what I've done and got things back to the way they were before. Please don't walk away from me and the plans we've made for our life together because of my stupid mistake.

I know I can be immature at times and can take drinking and partying with my friends too far. I get carried away and don't think about what I'm doing or the consequences of my actions and how they will affect others, which I understand must be frustrating for you at the best of times. I let you down and I let myself down. I have seen how sad and humiliated my behavior has made you and I don't ever want to put you through anything like that again.

I want to make a promise to you that I will never betray you. I want you to trust me and I vow to earn your trust back. I will be the man that you deserve - honest, trustworthy, and respectful.

I dream of having a future with you, living together in peace and happiness. I am truly terrified of the thought of losing you because of something so dumb that I did without thinking.

I am taking the time to work on myself. I will be more mature and drink less when I hang out with my friends. I never want to be out of control again or not able to recall the events of the night before.

I am committed to you and do not need attention from strangers. I am growing up and realizing that I don't have to entertain my friends with wild antics. The truth is that these days, I prefer cuddling with you on the sofa and watching movies anyway! Our nights are special to me and I hope that I get to do that with you every day for the rest of our lives!

I am so sorry, my darling. Please know that you are the only woman for me. I apologize for the pain I have caused you. I know forgiveness takes time, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me because I'm lost without you.




We are all human and we are all bound to make mistakes. But when we hurt our loved ones, it's important that we are able to give them a heartfelt and sincere apology. Let them know that they are justified to feel hurt and make it clear that you understand that your behavior caused the pain. Putting all of this in a letter will be very meaningful to your girlfriend. Hopefully, she'll appreciate your gesture and will be able to forgive you and forget the offense in time.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.