How to Make Your Marriage More Interesting Than Ever

Marriage boredom is a real thing. Probably people get used to each other, fall into the vicious circle of frequent quarrels and routines, and it seems like nothing new will ever happen. Before you leave your husband and everything you two have built together only because of boring marriage, you should definitely stop and think once more. I am here to assure you that sparks of excitement usually fade in time, and that's completely normal. It doesn't mean that you have stopped loving your partner, or that your relationship is stalling. Both of you need to work constantly on your relationship, and there is always a way to make things interesting. Boring marriage can be saved, and here are 5 pieces of advice that are very helpful to you.

Tips on How to Make Your Marriage Interesting

1. Stop unnecessary fighting and start making compromises

People always want to be right and there is no doubt about that. But that is totally useless and detrimental to any relationship. You should never care about who is right and who is wrong, but try to find the root of the problem and try to solve it. Who cares about who is right? Even if you are, what kind of accomplishment is that? Instead of fighting about whose fault the bad situation in your marriage is, try to find common ground. Don't express contempt and disagreement whenever your husband has something to say. Maybe his suggestions are helpful and constructive, and you are unable to see that. Sometimes, we disagree with our partner not because we really think that, but because we unconsciously want to make that person feel inferior. Try not to say "no" before even thinking about what your husband suggested. If he wants to do or change something, give it a try. It might work out, even if it seems boring. Drop your guard down a bit. At least, keep in mind that he is trying to make things right and have respect.

2. Bring some changes to your relationship

If you are not satisfied with your relationship, it certainly lacks something. To bring your relationship back to life, try to do something you've never done with your partner. Go out of your daily routines and have more fun. You can travel to exotic or unusual destinations, or start playing video games. You can even explore the city that you live in, or start a new hobby together and learn from each other. There are so many things that you can do to make your relationship everything but boring. Experiencing new things together can bring you closer together. It might even sound a bit scary, but making him get out of his comfort zone can play the main role in making your husband more interesting. Some people just need to be pushed a bit when they are in a slump. If you have to be the initiator, so be it. But if it works, you will not be bored with your husband ever again.

3. Spend more time together

If you two are too busy to spend time together, try to organize your time better. Maybe your marriage isn't boring at all. Perhaps you just don't pay enough attention to it, and everything seems more important to you, so your marriage ends up completely neglected. If you don't spend enough time with your partner, then, of course, your marriage will be boring, and everything else could seem more interesting than your partner. I honestly think you should take your time before leaving your loved one because of something seemingly more interesting. Devote more time to him and give him a chance to actually be interesting to you, because he certainly won't if you don't spend time with him. If you two are both literally loaded with work and it's challenging to find time for each other, try to talk to your executives or directors and explain the situation. I am sure they will understand. If you are the one who works too much, try to spend the rest of your spare time with your husband, and if he is the busy one, explain to him that relationships have to be built and that it will fall apart if he doesn't devote at least some of his free time to you. Don't forget your friends, but instead of separately spending time with them, you can all go out together. Then, no relationship will suffer detrimental consequences of your busy life.

4. Listen to what he has to say and value him

Don't have that "my husband is boring" attitude whenever he tries to say or suggest something. Respect his interests and wishes, especially if you have never taken an interest in any of those things. Not listening to him might lead to separation, and it would be a shame to lose someone you love just because you don't take his opinion into consideration. Also, don't think that you are smarter or better than him. Sometimes, familiarity leads to contempt, and that's why we start acting hostile towards our loved ones. Trust me, it's only because you know them too well. Getting to know someone deeply always leads to some kind of disappointment, so give your man a chance. Don't let the passage of time influence how much you respect him. If you are looking for a perfect man, you won't find it, because he doesn't exist. So, before leaving only because he is boring, try to notice his good side more, instead of noticing only his flaws.

5. Speak up and think about your own actions

Don't squelch your emotions and repress them. Your marriage will fall apart if you don't tell him what you think about your marriage. Maybe he doesn't even know that he is boring and, therefore, he has no need to change his behavior or start working on your relationship more. An honest conversation is maybe something that will solve all your problems. If you openly tell him how you feel, he might instantly realize it and change his behavior. You should always openly talk about everything with your partner. Don't be afraid of serious conversations. They are not pleasant, I know, but it's better than separation because of silence and not talking about the problems that you are facing. Also, think about yourself. Are you interested? Do you try to be? And do you work on your relationship? If you want to change someone, you should start with yourself, because it's the only one who you can actually change. Maybe you lack understanding, or not sure what you actually want. Try to see the world from his angle, and be wary of the fact that you might be making certain mistakes as well. Be true both to yourself and to him, and solving problems will become much more manageable. So, instead of "My husband is boring," try to ask yourself if you are boring as well.


Truth be told, nothing feels more suffocating than boring marriage. To make things right, both of you need to be invested in your relationship. No relationship is perfect, and leaving before trying to change anything will lead you to constantly changing partners, and that will never make you happy. Always give your best, no matter what you do in life. It's the same when relationships are in question. Who knows what is the main reason for the "my husband is boring" kind of thought? Maybe the reason lies somewhere else, not in him, and not even in you. Anyway, I suggest bringing a novelty to your life. Take the initiative and try to change something and suggest something new. If the separation is inevitable, so be it. Some people are not meant for each other, and that's okay. But don't leave before you try to make things right. Maybe your husband is not boring at all; perhaps you just can't see it. That's why you need to open up to him and admit how you feel about him. If he truly loves you, I am certain that he will try to improve himself and be a better husband.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.