How to Make Your Crush Jealous and Want You All to Themselves

Setting out to make your crush jealous might not be the most direct way of getting the attention you want, but in some ways, it may feel like the only suitable solution. Although making your crush jealous can be effective in getting them to like you back, it's important that you don't take it too far and create undesirable results. Here are some rules to follow when playing the jealousy game.

12 Ways to Make Your Crush Jealous

All is fair in love and war. When you have strong feelings for someone, you'll be willing to do pretty much anything to get them to like you back. This includes some amount of manipulation to get affection. If you can make your crush feel jealous or just miss you in their life, they may realize that you are the one they want and that they wouldn't want to see you with anyone else. These tips below will show you how to make your crush jealous.

1. Don't be too available

It's human nature to desire things that are out of our reach and we take for granted things that are easy to get. If you're serious about making your crush jealous or miss you then you'll need to make yourself scarce. His calls you were excited to take should now go to voicemail half of the time. You should be "too busy" to go for the afternoon stroll to the coffee shop you usually take together. Soon enough, he'll be begging for the opportunity to spend some time with you.

2. Flirt with others

Even if your crush considers you as "just a friend," once he sees you flirting with other guys, his territorial instincts will kick in. No one likes to see their friend getting too close to someone else. Also, if he has never looked at you in a romantic or sexual way before, watching you flirting with another guy will certainly let him see a different side of you and will make him think of you differently.

3. Have fun and tell him about it nonchalantly

You might be caught up with a serious case of the crushes, but it doesn't mean you should sit around miserable or obsessing over how to make your crush miss you. Get out and have fun. Go out with your friends, laugh, dance and take pictures. Send him a picture of you having the time of your life. First, he will feel jealous of the good time you had without him; Second, he will notice how gorgeous you are when you are happy with your friends and third, he'll miss the time spent with you. Obviously you are a lot of fun to be around.

4. Post pictures with your other friends

Get your crush to miss you by accidentally sharing a picture of you having fun with your other friends. This requires a little less effort. Simply do what you usually do. Take pictures and post them on your social media account that he follows. However, this time the pictures will be of you and another friend looking intimately happy. As soon as he sees it, he will assume something might be going on and the feelings of jealousy will immediately begin to rise.

5. Be vague and mysterious

Why do guys try to make their crush jealous? Because it's the easiest way to get the girl they like, to like them back. They don't have to make themselves vulnerable by telling the girl that he actually likes her. It's easier to be vague and mysterious to get their crush to be jealous and want to be with them, than it is to simply say "I really like you but I'm afraid you don't like me the same way." Avoiding answering questions directly is a way to pique a person's interest. When they become curious about what you're getting up to, it will catch their attention and jealousy. It can be a fun game. Just don't take it too far. This is an effective way of getting the attention you want.

6. Date with friends

Dates with friends are an ideal way to make your crush jealous. The dates are innocent enough because the friends are girls (or friends of the same sex) but they are dates. A married woman once complained to her best friend that her husband no longer buys her flowers or takes her on dates. So the friend said, "How about we take ourselves out on dates!" Once a week the two friends went out on a "date", taking turns buying each other flowers. The husband was happy for his wife at first but soon he was extremely jealous! By the end of the following month, he was taking his wife out on dates and buying her flowers himself.

7. Talk about your ex

Whether your crush is someone you met recently or your long term partner - talking about your ex will get them to be just the right amount of jealousy. Couples that have been together for a long time start to take each other for granted. It's good to remind their partners that there were life and love before them. If you wistfully reminisce about some of the wonderful things you did with your ex, your guy is certain to feel pangs of jealousy and might decide to make more effort to make sure that you know this relationship is better than your last.

8. Look hot every time he is around

When wondering how to make your crush jealous, not every suggestion here will be your style. However, making sure you look cute is less manipulative and not out of character. It generally feels good to make an effort and look nice, so you're just doing something nice for yourself! The added benefits are that your friends, neighbors, and colleagues will notice you're looking great and their compliments will boost your confidence. Your confidence and the attention you're getting from others will make your crush jealous as a natural by-product of you just want to look good and feel good.

9. Get physical with your friends

Be more affectionate with your friends when your crush is around. This will work whether it's your girlfriend or boyfriend. When you know your crush is watching, just touch your friends in ways that are a tiny bit intimate; stroke their hair, rub their back or pat them on the bottom. Just make sure that these are your close friends or this whole thing could get messy and go in a completely different direction. Don't worry, you can always explain to your friends later why you were being so weird and they'll have to excuse you for it when they understand your plight.

10. Compare him to a celebrity

Point out someone on tv or in the movies who reminds you of your crush. Gush over how handsome/tall/muscular he is. This is bound to make your crush jealous - even if he knows that you'll probably never meet them, he still will not like to hear you swoon over someone else.

11. No last minute plans

If your crush calls you and asks to hang out without giving you enough notice - say no.

Don't make it easy for him to see you whenever he wants. Let him make an effort to plan something for you both. So when you do finally agree to do something with him, he will appreciate it so much more. The first time you say no to the last minute plan he might be surprised and confused. Be sweet and assure him that next time he should give you more notice as you might be busy with plans with someone else. His feelings of jealousy and affection will certainly grow.

12. Leave them wanting more

When you are talking with him, cut the conversation short. Tell him you have to go because you have another call coming in or you have plans with someone else. Make sure you are always the first to end the call or conversation. This will leave him wanting more of you. If your reason for cutting him short is because of another person, he will certainly be jealous that they are getting the attention that you used to give in abundance to him.

Final Words

At least one or two of the pointers above explaining how to make your crush jealous will work for you and your crush. However, you should keep in mind that these should only be used as a last resort. If you decide to try any of the methods here, remember that there is a danger of taking it too far. Set a deadline so that you don't end up pushing your crush away. Ultimately, you should always try to be as open and honest as possible with the people you care about and work towards having good communication from which you can build a healthy long lasting relationship.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.