How to Make Out: 20 Tips on How to Make It Amazing

Making out is not just a few cheeky kisses, it's French kissing and fondling for a long time. A good make out session will give you the feeling as if you are floating in space or traveling on a cloud, your heart is beating so fast you are sure that she (or he) also hears it! Making out is an extremely intimate and passionate thing you can do with a person you like without going "to the end". It's a significant process for new couples getting to know each other and for long-term couples who like a lot of foreplay to make the main event even more exciting! However, there is a fine line between a crappy and awesome make out session. Knowing how to make out in such a way as to crank up the heat is a skill we all have to master.

20 Tips on How to Make Out

This is the end of your date, and you've had a wonderful night with the person you've been thinking about for a week. Now is the time to make your move. You look into her eyes and lean in for what you hope is going to be the sweetest kiss. To make sure things go as planned, keep in mind these 20 tips to ensure that your partner gets the most mind-blowing kiss he has ever had!

1. Be prepared

Being prepared for a make out session starts at home - brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly before heading out on a date. Before kissing your date, chew gum and make sure your breath is fresh. If you wear glasses, take them off. Make sure you're both comfortable and you're not restricted by coats or seat belts.

2. Show your interest

Let her know that you are attracted to her and want to kiss her. No one wants to be suddenly jumped on and kissed. Show your interest by looking at her eyes and lips when she speaks. Smile softly and seductively at her, and she'll get the message and know what to expect.

3. Start slowly

Bend over and kiss her slowly. Do all your movements slowly so that she doesn't flinch or lose her mood. As you press your lips to hers, gently guide her lips outward and slowly stroke her mouth with your tongue until you feel her tongue responded to yours.

4. Read their body language

This is a good time to learn their body language. Are they also leaning in to you? Are they reaching out to you and showing you that they like it? It's important that they are responsive and that they want to kiss as much as you do, this will make them even more intense!

5. Use your tongue

The best kisses are when the tongue is used properly. Too much sucking is not sexy. Instead, use your tongue to stroke and touch her tongue gently. Keep in mind that men generally like to feel the tongue, while women do not prefer to feel it that much.

6. Relax

If you are feeling tense or uncomfortable, your partner will feel it. Overthinking about the situation and what you're doing will make you look shackled or awkward. You don't want it to kill the vibe or them take it personally, do you? So try to relax your body and mind as much as possible and just focus on the sensations you're experiencing.

7. Let your hands wander

When remembering how to make out well, don't keep your hands to yourself! Stroke your partner's body, hold her by the neck, touch her face! Let them know that you are attracted to them and really want to get closer.

8. Come up for air

It's perfectly natural to take a break when you're making out. Come up for air after a while to also let your lover rest. Maintain eye contact and keep touching and stroking so they know that you have not stopped because you're done.

9. Communication

Good communication is vital in all relationships. A guy who knows how to make out with girls, knows that talking to them is very important. The things you say can make her like you even more and get her more excited. You can ask her if she likes it to see if she's bold enough to tell you exactly what she likes, so you could just tell her how long you've been fantasizing about this moment.

10. Take control

Most people find it exciting when another person takes the situation under their control. Move her in a more comfortable position. Control the passion of the kiss by switching from slow and gentle to firm and deep. This will definitely increase the intensity.

11. Tease him

Men (and some women) like to be teased! When kissing deeply, you can push playfully him away and seductively smile at him. Turn away and make him kiss other parts of your body. You can even stand up, walk up to the mirror, and make yourself pretty to show off in front of him and make him even crazier with lust for you!

12. Let her kiss you back

If you want to learn how to make out with someone, you need to understand that kissing is like a ballroom dance. You take a few steps towards her, then you take a few steps back and allow her to take steps towards you. When you are kissing, stop moving your tongue for a second and let her kiss you back, allowing her to control the speed and intensity. You probably love it!

13. Kiss her neck

Kissing other parts of her body can also be appealing. The neck is a very sensitive area for almost every woman. There are many nerve endings on the neck. Kissing her there can take her to another level of arousal.

14. Stroke her hair

It may not seem very sexy, but in general, hair stroking is a gesture that makes people feel admired and cared for. Let her know how much you do by stroking her hair while kissing or stop to look at her while gently stroking her hair.

15. Whisper in her ear

If you want to know how to make out with someone to make them more excited, then whisper something in their ear! If you can think of something naughty to say, you can softly whisper that, otherwise, something simple and sweet will do the job. The combination of what you say and the moist warm air you breathe into their ear will instantly make them more excited.

16. Not too wet

One study showed that, on average, men enjoy wet kisses and saliva much more than women. So it's not surprising that the main complaint of most women during the kiss with their partners is that they are too wet. Adapt your kissing style to suit your partner's preferences for the perfect make out sessions.

17. Have fun

Remember that you should both enjoy the process. Don't take yourself so seriously. Feel free to joke and giggle together. This will not only make your session more enjoyable but also helps you build your relationships the way people connect through the laughter!

18. Stop slowly

So that your boyfriend doesn't feel rejected when you're ready to stop kissing do it slowly. Untangle yourself bit by bit, slowly pulling back. He will notice that you want to stop and get an opportunity to enjoy the last few seconds.

19. Finish with a compliment

Avoid any end-of-kissing-session-awkwardness by finishing a kiss with a compliment. Tell him what an amazing kisser he is or how sexy you think she is. This will make them feel good about the intimacy you just shared.

The tips we listed above will teach you how to make out and take your lovers' breath away! Keep in mind that kissing is a pleasure that should be enjoyed by both of you so make sure that you are always thinking of the things your partner likes. This ensures that you'll have the hottest make out sessions that will improve the passion in your relationship.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.