How to Know When a Woman Is in Love With You

A woman's heart is a big mystery to men. But It doesn't have to be. It only requires you to watch and listen carefully. If you want to know where you truly stand, look for these verbal and non-verbal signs she loves you.

1. She takes great care with her appearance when you are together.

One obvious clue to look out for is how well she dresses when you are together. Does she seem to remember your favorite outfits and wear them often? Does she do her hair and makeup even when it is unnecessary? Women don't usually dress up for casual activities. That perfect hair or flirty dress is very likely for your benefit. This is particularly true if you've noticed that her style has changed since you've been together. If a woman loves you, she wants your attention focused on her. If you appreciate her efforts, an acknowledgment of it and a compliment on her appearance will go a long way in making her feel that the extra time getting ready for you was well spent.

2. She makes time for you.

The average woman does not have an empty calendar and hers is likely no exception. Does she always seem to have time for you? Does she often reschedule her activities to be available when you want to hang out? These are definite signs that she loves you. When she makes time for you, she is making you her priority. It is her way of making you feel loved and valued. It's also her way of ensuring you remain close and connected by sharing common activities.

3. She gets jealous when you speak to other women.

While jealousy can cause friction in a relationship, it can help smooth over hurt feelings when you realize what is driving that jealousy. It is very likely that love is to blame. You are naturally protective of those things in your life which means the most to you. Women are no different. To her, a woman sharing innocent banter or laughter with you is competition. While you have to work to calm and reassure her of your devotion, at least you know that that jealousy is a good sign about how she feels about you.

4. She seeks your opinion on important matters in her life.

When a girl seeks your opinion, it shows she trusts your advice. That trust is built on love. So, seeking your advice is one of the best signs a girl loves you. The more serious the questions are, the deeper the trust and love she has for you. Giving her your full attention can foster that trust and love.

5. She tries to impress you.

This can be a very positive sign. If a girl tries to do something she doesn't normally do, like cook for you, chances are she is trying to impress you and win your love. It might not be the best dinner you've ever had, but appreciate the effort and the reason she's doing it. If she takes a new interest in things you enjoy, like sports, she may be trying to deepen the bond between you two. The best way to foster that love is to encourage her and let her know you recognize her efforts.

6. She speaks highly of you to friends.

Girls are very communicative, far more so than men. Often, when she is speaking to her girlfriends she is seeking honest opinions about your relationship. So when she speaks about you, she is very likely speaking from the heart. Face it, you're not perfect. No one is. Love tends to blind us and make us look over the little imperfections. So if she has nothing but good to say about you, it's a good indicator she has feelings for you.

7. She introduces you to her family.

One of the best signs she loves you is that she introduces you to her family. This is a big step for women as they are seeking their parents' approval of your relationship. Take note, her parents' opinion will likely carry great weight with her. So if you're meeting them, she is serious about your relationship and wants it to proceed to the next level. You may not be sure if she is the one yet, but she clearly seems to think you are.

8. She blushes when you're around.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A blush certainly is. Blushing is an automatic response of attraction. When a girl is attracted to you, blood will flow to her face. It is an evolutionary response. If you find it is working, fear not, it's also your evolutionary design to be attracted to her in response. Love is an important factor for women. While attraction for men is strongly based on physical qualities, women are cerebral. Whereas men are more comfortable with seeking physical intimacy alone, women are more likely to share physical intimacy as an expression of love.

9. She remembers every word.

This can be both a blessing and a curse. When a woman is in love, they listen to your every word. What you say is far more important than what other people say. She will remember every nice thing you have done for her, but she will also remember every time you've made her angry. Just remember these are signs she loves you.

10. She genuinely cares for you.

Women are nurturing by nature. That is not to say they're looking for someone to take care of every day. One way to tell how a girl feels about you is when you aren't at your best and need help. Does she try and cheer you up when you've had a horrible day at work? Does she nurse you to health when you are sick? These are strong indicators that she is in love with you.

Love in the Air

How many of these signs that she loves you have you noticed? If you've noticed one or two, there is a good chance she's falling for you. If you've noticed more, then the odds are very much in your favor. A girl won't always tell you how she feels. She may think that you should just know if you're the right guy for her. Or she may be shy or think a man must be the aggressive one in the relationship. So what are you waiting for? If you've noticed these signs with your girl, the next move is up to you!

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.