How to Give Him a Sign That You’re Into Him

Having a crush is a wonderful experience. You enjoy such feelings like butterflies fluttering in your stomach and see the world in pink-colored glasses. When you adore someone, you just can't help but want to let them know how much you like them. But for some people doing so can be rather difficult.

Letting a guy know you like him is often a challenge. Giving him too many hints might lead him to think you're too desperate. But on the other side, if you're too subtle, he might not notice you. Want to know how to show a guy you like him? Continue reading to find out.

Ways to Let Him Know You Like Him

Before you make your move on him, it's important to know that guys may have different reactions to different hints. Make sure to find out as much information as you can about him to figure out your strategy. Here are some easy but effective tips on how to show him you like him.

1. Flirt with him

This is a no-brainer. Flirting is a clear indication of attraction and affection. Don't be afraid to flirt with him every now and then. But remember not to overdo it and to always gauge his reaction. Be smart, but also brave and confident when you flirt with him!

2. Compliment him

Who doesn't love being complimented? Guys love it when you compliment them- it makes them feel special. Try complimenting him on:

  • His appearance

  • His accomplishments

  • His intelligence

  • His personality traits

  • His sense of humor

3. Remember the little details

Not sure about how to show him you like him in a subtle way? Sometimes, the smallest gestures can mean so much. Try remembering all the little details about him. Not just his birthday and his favorite sport, but also his hobbies, favorite candy, how he loves his coffee, or even that concert he told you about.

4. Use your body language

Whether you realize it or not, your body language can send signals to a guy you're interested in him. Try using your movements and certain gestures to express your interest. Here are some gestures you can try:

  • Play with your hair

  • Smile a lot around him

  • Make eye contact

  • When sitting, lean closer to him

  • Walk next to him, looking at his face once in a while

5. Joke around

Want to know how to let a guy know you like him? Laugh together with him. Having a good sense of humor and joking around can bring two people closer. Laughing when he cracks a joke will make him feel appreciated. Don't forget to tell some jokes of your own. Try these funny jokes:

  • If you were a fruit, you'd be a fine- apple.

  • Somebody call the cops because it's got to be illegal to look that good!

  • I may not be a genie, but I can make all your wishes come true!

  • You are like asthma. You just take my breath away.

  • Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're CuTe.

6. Touch him lightly

Don't be afraid to break the touch barrier! Once you get closer to him, find ways to touch him lightly when talking to him. Try touching him on his arms when he tells a funny joke or giving him a hug when you meet him. Just make sure to always pay attention to his reactions. If he looks uncomfortable, take it easy with gestures.

7. Do something thoughtful

Your crush is likely always on your mind. So, why not let him know that you're thinking of him constantly by showing it? Don't worry, you don't have to do grand gestures as even small things can make a huge difference! Here are some thoughtful things you can do for him:

  • Bring him his favorite drink or candy

  • Bake him some cookies

  • Send him cute text messages

  • Buy tickets to see his favorite sports

8. Ask him for his help

This may seem like the exact opposite of the previous point, but it actually works! Guys love to feel needed. Once in a while, try asking him for his assistance, big or small. Just don't do it too often. Otherwise, he might feel like you're only using him. Also, don't forget to express your gratitude afterward.

9. Pay attention to your appearance

Don't forget to take care of your own appearance when you are around him. Putting more effort on your appearance can help send the signal that you're into him. You don't have to get a full-blown makeover. You should still be yourself, but put extra effort when choosing your outfit or putting on your makeup.

10. Learn about his interests

Find out what his hobbies and interests are. Don't be afraid to ask his friends or him in person. While you don't have to force yourself to like them, maybe you can find some similar interests. Doing this will give you a lot of things to talk about.

11. Mention that you'd like to have a boyfriend

In a conversation, try casually dropping hints that you'd love to date someone. But remember, don't make it too obvious or he'll think you're really desperate. Just make sure he knows that you're currently available and would love to go out on dates every now and then.

12. Ask him out

Want to know the best way to let a guy know you like him? There's nothing more direct than asking him out on a date. Don't be afraid to make the first move! If you think that he might also be interested in you, just ask him out. This fearless gesture will likely make him fancy and respect you more.

Takeaway Message

It can be hard to express our love to our crush sometimes. But hopefully, reading the text above gave you some good ideas of how to show a guy you like him. Try dropping little hints here and there to win over his heart. Eventually, something beautiful might start to blossom. Good luck!

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.