How to Get Rid of a Guy When He’s Not Getting the Message

Some guys will hit on any girl they like, even without considering whether or not the girl likes them back. These kinds of guys can be pushy and annoying. You try to let them know that you're not interested in a polite way, but they still refuse to get the message. When you reject them, they even believe that you're just playing hard to get.

Here are some simple tips on how to get rid of a guy you don't like when he's not getting the message.

1. Do it as quickly as you can

Your chance of rejecting a guy you don't like is higher if you do it as early as you can. Once you have learned that this guy is seriously into you, if it's possible or appropriate, do not wait to let him know that you do not like him in that way. The longer it takes, the harder it will become for both of you.

2. Express your feelings clearly

Sometimes we can find ourselves in a relationship with a guy who we don't actually like much. You'll be surprised how often this happens. This is common because people are not always who they appear to be when they are trying to win the heart of someone they admire.

If this is the situation you have found yourself in, then don't hesitate to express your feelings honestly and clearly. Tell your boyfriend that you don't think your relationship is going to work because you've realized that you are very different people.

3. Ice him out

An easy option is to try to ice him out. Do not speak to him, do not respond to him, and never give him eye contact. Lack of eye contact is a subtle but clear signal that you have cut off contact with a person.

However, this tip can only be used in certain circumstances. If he's a colleague and you have to work with him, this silent treatment might get you in trouble. So use your judgment as to whether this method is appropriate for your situation.

4. Avoid him

Another simple way to get rid of a guy is to test the old adage "Out of sight, out of mind." Avoid going to any of the places you know he goes to.

Do this for as long as you possibly can. Hopefully, the time that passes without his seeing you will allow his feelings for you to fade.

5. Usher him into the friend zone

Dismissing the advances of a guy can be very difficult when you do actually like him as a friend and don't want to hurt his feelings. So if you need a tip on how to get rid of someone obsessed with you in the nicest way possible, simply escort him into the friend zone.

Tell him how much you value him as a friend. Explain to him that you truly believe that the only way he can have a place in your heart is as a friend. Try to make it clear that the only thing you can offer him is friendship.

It'll be up to him whether this platonic relationship is good enough for him or not.

6. Arrange a meeting with dad

For most men, the thought of meeting the father of the girl they fancy will make them feel like running away. This might be for some deep, manly issues we women can't understand, or it could be guilty conscience caused by them knowing that they only want to have fun with their daughter and - not take her seriously and settle down with her.

Therefore, telling a guy that you would like to arrange a meeting between them and your dad is a great way to sort the players from the men that sincerely care for you. It might also get rid of your infatuated guy.

7. Get a boyfriend

If it's purely to get rid of a guy you don't like, I suggest getting a fake boyfriend. Tell the pushy guy that you already have a boyfriend. If he's a decent guy, he will respect your decision and the fact that you are spoken for and will back off.

Don't be shocked if this doesn't work, though. The besotted boy has probably gotten it into his head that you and he are "meant to be." If this is the case, then you'll have to quickly change tactics to shake him off.

8. Get back with your ex

If you want to know how to get rid of someone obsessed with you after dating them for a while, tell them that you're getting back with your ex. This is an explanation for rejection that is easy to accept for most people. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not.

If the person is not getting the message, it's your responsibility to dissuade them in any way you feel is right for you.

Besides, this is a far more considerate way of rejecting them than by telling them in a blunt way that will cause them long-term pain.

9. Keep busy or pretend you're busy

If you need to learn how to get rid of boyfriend you are no longer interested in, yet who is refusing to accept your decision after you have clearly expressed yourself, then remember that actions speak louder than words.

Make yourself unavailable as much as you possibly can. Keep busy with work, friends, hobbies, and errands. If you've run out of things to do, then make them up. The idea is for him to understand by your actions that you are not interested in seeing him or spending time with him. Eventually, he'll definitely get the message.

10. Be high maintenance

If you're stuck with an unwanted boyfriend, give him a reason to not want you! Become a demanding, high maintenance girlfriend.

Ask him to take you out on expensive dates and show him all the expensive gifts you expect him to get for you. Tell him about the girls on TV and all the indulgent things that their boyfriends do for them. Be a diva and demand that he doesn't see his friends or that he drives you everywhere you need to go.

Of course, it's not the nicest way to behave, but if he's refusing to listen to what you have clearly told him, this is the only way to make him move on without being cruel.


If you are dealing with a man who is refusing to accept the hints that you're not interested in, then take the advice above on how to get rid of a guy you don't like. Always try to be as honest as you can without hurting his feelings. If he chooses to ignore your wishes, then you are free to say or do whatever it takes (within reason) to get him to give up on his hopes for winning your heart. Hopefully, he'll soon find the right girl for him.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.