How to Cheer up Your Girlfriend - 10 Ways to Bust a Bad Mood

Mood changes, sadness, and disappointment are all difficult emotions to navigate through. You might have a system in place to deal with these sensations when they happen to you, but when it comes to other people's indisposition, you could be clueless about what you can do to change the way they feel.

In this article on how to cheer up your girlfriend, you will find practical pieces of advice that you can apply immediately. They range from doing as little as listening to her, to planning a new activity meant to distract her from feeling gloomy.

1. Carefully listen to her

Your girlfriend has something on her mind that is troubling her. You can clearly see it on her face, but when you ask her what's wrong, she gives you an evasive answer. Maybe she doesn't want to burden you with her problems. Even so, it's your duty to assure her that you're there for her and that you want to listen.

Take her to a quiet place where she can speak freely. Ask her what the problem is and make sure you don't interrupt her. Also, ask follow-up questions and try not to belittle anything she says.

This is not the time to give advice. However, if it happens that you know exactly what could work, offer her a solution in a warm and caring way. Otherwise, by simply giving her the chance to vent, you will already make her feel better.

2. Surprise her with a gift

When a friend of mine asked me "How to cheer up my girlfriend?", I immediately thought about a small, thoughtful gift. If you can overcome the misconception that all women love gifts, then you will see this gesture in a different light. It's an indirect way to show her that she's on your mind and that you are willing to try various ways to improve her mood.

Gift ideas such as a coffee cup, a fluffy and colored trinket, a stylus pen, a fruity lip balm, her favorite dessert or snack, or even a book about self-development can put a smile on her face. Or, you can buy her music in any format she prefers. In fact, you can compile a playlist with songs known to lift up a person's spirits.

3. Text her all day long

According to numerous tips on how to cheer up your girlfriend, sending her texts throughout the day actually works. The main idea here is to distract her for a few seconds with messages meant to make her less sad. You don't have to be cheesy if that's not your style. Just think about nice things to say. For example, you could ask about her day, tell her that you miss her or that she's on your mind, encourage her, send her funny and lovable emojis and so on. Share a funny video with her or a suggestive GIF.

4. Take a walk with her

Although she might not want to take a walk because she feels too sad or overwhelmed by the thoughts going through her head, reassure her that it's going to make her feel better. Take her to the park to admire the beautiful nature around her, breathe fresh air, and subconsciously process the information that is bothering her.

Your attitude towards her should be warm, sweet, and understanding. Kiss her forehead as you two admire the view, hold her hand, and practice mindfulness.

5. Cuddle with her

Holding your girlfriend in your arms is not only an affectionate gesture. It is also a way to cheer your girlfriend up. Your role is to make her feel protected, safe, and relaxed. All these sensations can be achieved if you simply cuddle. Her sadness might not go away immediately, but she will definitely feel less stressed. Don't forget to ensure a pleasant environment for this activity.

6. Plan a romantic evening

So you've tried to sweet-talk her, buy her flowers and chocolates, hold her hand and take her on nice walks, but nothing seems to work. This means it's time to use the ace up your sleeve and plan a romantic evening. You don't necessarily have to take her out to a fancy restaurant. Instead, you can try to cook a simple meal for the two of you and set the table properly (candles, flowers, wine glasses not mugs and so on). If you feel lucky, then spread rose petals on the floor and on the bed as well.

She might experience a morale boost when she dresses up for your date. The anticipation of seeing you, enjoying your company, and experiencing the date you have planned will definitely take her mind off her problems.

7. Go on a day trip together

Our lives are too hectic to just drop everything and go on vacation without planning in advance. Even so, taking a day trip to an unexplored place close to your current location can do wonders. The pleasure of discovering something new is mood-changing. In addition, it would be great to strengthen your bond. Imagine just the two of you strolling on the streets of a small town. You hold her hand, pay her compliments, take pictures, grab a bite to eat, and maybe enjoy the sunset before going back home. Browse for activities in advance or take it easy and decide along the way.

8. Help her with her chores

The cause of your girlfriend's distress may be having too many things to do and too little time to do them. If this is the case, you can stop wondering how to cheer your girlfriend up. Take action by helping her with household chores, work assignments if you're knowledgeable in her field, and running errands. Pick up her dry cleaning, pick her up from work, clean after yourself, do the dishes. Anything that lightens her load is recommended.

9. Do things that she likes

We know you don't appreciate soapy movies very much, but if your girlfriend enjoys them, then maybe you can make an exception. Or, maybe you don't fancy dancing very much, but she frees herself from negative energy when she moves her body. Take a decision in her favor when she feels blue. If you play this right, there will be plenty of opportunities for her to do the same for you in the future. While you're at it, try to make the best of it.

10. Take a turn at being positive

Your girlfriend might be in a dark place right now, where negativity prevails. Your job as a supportive boyfriend is to pull her out of there. You can do so by encouraging her, giving her hope that things will sort themselves out, and showing support in her endeavors. Your overall attitude should be positive so that she can feel inspired to move on.

Examples of things to say are "You can do it", "I believe in you", "You can count on my support", "Don't lose hope", "Tomorrow is another day", "I'm sure he/she will come around", "You are perfectly capable", "Give it time" and so on.

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Words are powerful means by which we can express and explain the simplest notions, as well as the most complex human emotions. They become even more valuable when they represent a mix of multiple domains of expertise. And, in the hands of the right person, they are eye-openers meant to make our lives easier. As a writer, this is what I thrive on.