How to Attract Men

Let's face it, women and men are so different that you may think you have the answers only to find some of them are very wrong. On the other hand, some answers are likely obvious, and you can congratulate yourself on knowing them. You go girl.

However, if you're looking for more insight, look no further. We've pieced together some things for you to know about what makes a man adore a woman. Here are some insider tips straight from the men.

Just Like Women, We Like Compliments

One thing both men and women have in common is that they like compliments. Most men are doers, rather than talkers, and when we do something for you, we want to be noticed. A compliment will go far in making sure we continue to do the things you like. So don't be bashful about telling us if we did something great.

We Really Need Some Kind of Support, Even When We Pretend We Don't

We guys like to look as if we have everything under control. That can be especially true if we're going through hard times. We must look like we are tough and can get by. The truth is, we get as scared and overwhelmed as women at times. We've just been taught not to show it as it looks weak. However, if you can get through that shell, we will appreciate your support in the end. When a man loves a woman, she'll be able to get through to him and support him.

Your Smile Is the Greatest Reward for Our Efforts

We talk about what men love about women like it is some secret. However, some things should be terribly apparent from your observations. One fact is that we love your smile more than anything in the world. A guy's day can turn upside down in a great way at the flash of a genuine, loving smile from our woman.

You Compromise With Us Over Something

It's not so much getting our way, as the fact that you let us. It means a lot when you don't flat out say 'no,' but instead take the time to see things from our perspective and try and find some middle ground.

We Love to Solve Your Problems

Guys are natural problem solvers. If we see something broken, we reach for a toolbelt. It is the same if something appears wrong with our girl. What men love about women is when they let us do our thing and try and repair something for them. Doing it is our way of showing we care, and we consider each other on the same team. It's not that we don't think you can solve your problem; it just makes us feel like we are caring for you if we step in and do it.

We Enjoy It When You're Full of Humor

Guys love humor. So do women, of course. We don't have a lot of ways to blow off steam and show emotions. Humor is one of the accepted outlets, though. It really helps when a girl has a like-minded sense of humor. It means we can share a laugh when things go wrong instead of stewing over it.

We Value Your Trustworthiness

Men can be a bit like pack animals. When things get tough, we know we can always trust our friends. When we find that special someone, though, we want to be able to share that same bond of trust with you. Ladies, this is an absolute must. This is one of the pillars men build a relationship on. If you want a healthy relationship, you'll always need to have his trust as well.

Affection Is Your Secret Weapon

It's up to you to learn your partner and what they appreciate. Those smiles and laughter are what will make your man's day. Whether they admit it or not – and they usually don't. Focus on being happy and making your man happy too, and it's sure to work out in the end.

Mark Davis
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I'm a professional writer and systems analyst. My interests are sociology and philosophy. I love exploring human interaction, our need for companionship and how to hone the tools necessary to create lasting, meaningful bonds with one another.