How Not to Be Afraid to Tell a Girl You Love Her

Confessing the way you feel to the girl you love can be a daunting thought. It can go wrong in many ways. What if you misread her signals and she's not actually attracted to you? What if she's grossed out by the mere thought of a romance with you and the confession ruins your friendship? Maybe she says she loves you too, as a brother. The fear of these kinds of responses is enough to make anyone anxious.

If you have fallen in love and you find yourself in this scary situation, we are here to help you. This article will give you tips on how to tell a girl you love her without fear of rejection.

Recognize If It's Love or Lust

Before pledging your undying love to your crush, you need to be sure that it's actually real love you feel and not just lust or infatuation. A strong attraction to someone can easily be mistaken for love, but real love is an all-encompassing, unconditional connection that is not so easily found. Click here to read an article on how to recognize real love.

However, once you are certain about the way you feel, it will give you a little more confidence to express your love to the object of your affection.

Focus on Building Your Friendship With Her First

There are so many good reasons it's important to build a friendship with a girl before trying to build a romantic relationship.

A) If you want tips on how to tell a girl you like her without ruining the friendship, a helpful one is to make sure that she's a good friend first! This way, something as innocent as a confession of love will not ruin the bond you already have.

B) A good friendship is a solid foundation for a great relationship. This strong friendship will carry you through the tough times your relationship will face.

C) You might not be compatible as boyfriend and girlfriend. Even if she's as lovely as she seems (and has no weird fetishes) the differences in your backgrounds or personalities might simply mean that you won't make a good couple.

Shower Her With Compliments

If the way into a man's heart is through his stomach, then some might say that the way into a woman's heart is through her ears! Giving the sweetest, most genuine and personal compliments to the girl you love is laying the groundwork before telling her how you feel. Your loving words will help you win her heart. She'll understand how you see her and by her reactions to your compliments you might get a clue as to how she feels as well. If she is receptive to your attention and the compliments you're giving her, this will take out some of the fear of coming clean about your admiration of her.

Be Flirty

It's important to know how to tell a girl you love her with your behavior before using your words. This will make the thought of telling her how you feel less scary because deep down, she'll already know.

Make your intention known by being flirty with her. Give her lingering eye contact, stroke her hair when you compliment it, speak in soft whispery tones - she'll get the message about how you feel and you'll get a better idea whether it's time to tell her how you feel.

Go on Romantic Dates

Always hanging out with the girl you're in love with at her place or at your house is not the best start to a real relationship. Let her get used to the idea of you guys being a couple by going out on dates together. Not just fun dates either; they have to be romantic dates. Try all the standard stuff - candlelit dinners for two, picnics in the park, a night at the movies to watch a cliché rom-com.

These kinds of dates will make your confession of love a natural next step.

Look Out for Signs of How She Feels About You

While using these tips on how to tell a girl that you love her, look out for how she reacts to you. Her behavior towards you will give you signs as to how she feels. If she's flirty back when you flirt with her, then it's safe to say that she has feelings for you too. If she always brushes off your compliments, then it could be that she feels uncomfortable because she sees you as a friend. If she outright complains about the things you choose to do when you hang out together, you'll know that she feels awkward in romantic situations with you.

If you are able to read her signs well, and you believe she'll respond to your love favorably, you shouldn't feel too scared to tell her how you feel.

Express Your Feelings Confidently

We all know that confident men are attractive to women. Coming off needy or scared will be a turnoff to your crush. She might already feel that same way that you do, so express how you feel with confidence.

Even if she doesn't love you back, you should feel proud of your ability to love another person and you should feel lucky to have found someone that you care for so deeply. Let her know that you feel this way and let her see your confidence in the way you feel about her.

Try to Sweep Her off Her Feet

Expressing your love for a girl through your words and actions in all the meaningful ways will overwhelm her. She'll be swept off her feet by your gestures of love. She won't be able to help herself but to fall in love with you too. So learn what she likes and do as much of it as you are able to. Then, when it's the right time, you'll know exactly how to tell a girl you love her without being afraid!


Telling a girl that you love her does not have to be something that scares you. You just need to make sure your confession doesn't frighten or turn her off. First, be sure of the way you feel so that you can express it confidently. Then let your words and actions show her that you're not only in love with her but will cherish her. Take your time and slowly reveal your heart to the girl you love and if it's meant to be, you will be sure to win her love in return.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.