How Can You Trigger Your Man's Hero Instinct?

The hero instinct in men is something that has to be triggered every now and then. However, it shouldn't be seen as a desire to get into a fancy costume and wear a cape. In fact, it refers to a man's instinct to feel needed and wanted. It's all a biological urge.

Men want to gain the respect of the people around them and get the appreciation they deserve for their efforts. They also want to make sure they can provide enough for the people in their life, such as friends and family, but particularly their romantic partners.

The hero instinct will make your boyfriend or husband feel needed, which is important for the survival of your relationship. If it's not fulfilled, his romantic drive may decrease. This is why you need to trigger his hero instinct and make him feel needed and that he earned your admiration and trust.

Here are some ways for you to do so.

1. Ask for his help

A man wants to feel needed. While independent women are very attractive, a man will not be very confident around them, especially if they never ask for his help. Moreover, if you are never satisfied with his help and you think you can do better than him, you will only increase his feeling of worthlessness.

Although being independent is amazing, you should allow him to feel that he matters and that you trust him enough to help you in some situations.

Start asking for his help, even when the situation is not too serious. It shows that you have space for a man, and it will make him feel wanted.

2. Show your appreciation for his effort

Whenever he helps you or does something for you, thank him. The more you show your appreciation, the more he will come to cherish you. Whether he helped you with household chores, or fixed something that was broken, saying "thank you" will send the message that you value his help and support. Thanking him for what he does for you will trigger his hero instinct, as you will make him feel like the real hero in your life. It's as if you need him to be complete, and that will empower him.

3. Don't go overboard with thanking him either

Even though showing your appreciation is important, he wants to know that he earned it and that he deserves to be appreciated. Therefore, you shouldn't exaggerate when you're thanking him for something. If he simply remembered that it's his turn to take the dog for a walk, you don't have to be all over him with hugs and kisses.

Instead, he needs to feel the challenge and the fact that he accomplished the mission he took. If you give him the chance to be competitive with something and he achieves it, then you can thank him. Keep in mind that men are extremely competitive and love a challenge.

4. Show him that you're happy

Showing him that you're happy next to him is another thing that helps. Expressing your gratitude for having him in your life will act as a great confidence booster.

Simply text him or tell him that you are happy to have him. Show him that you're blessed to be able to spend your time with him. He will love it.

The hero instinct 12 words in the youtube video has some useful things you can say to him as well. It's a list of things that will help you give him an ego boost and thus make sure his hero instinct is triggered. The phrases are known to be useful in this regard, so you should consider adding some of them into the mix when you're showing how happy you are to have him around.

5. Praise him

Praise him and his efforts every now and then, and do it in front of others. You can do this by talking about all the amazing things he does for you, and how great it makes you feel.

Use the hero instinct 12 words to take him out on a date after work and invite his friends too. By doing that next time you go out with other people, he will see that you are proud of him and that you want to show him off. What's more, it will make him feel amazing and that he matters to you, which will trigger his hero instinct in return.

6. Offer him support to become a better self

Show your man that you want him to become a better version of himself and show him your support. It will light his hero instinct and encourage him to improve some things in his life.

Moreover, you will be appreciated and also improve yourself by helping him along his journey. Support each other and welcome the endless energy.


Triggering the hero instinct in men is essential in maintaining their interest and strengthening your relationship. Following these tips will help you tap into his inner-hero instinct and create a better bond. Sprinkle in some of the hero instinct 12 words for a better chance of making him feel like the superstar he is.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.