Essential Ingredients for the Best Father of the Groom Speech

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your son's achievement. Finding true love and committing to it are two of the most wonderful reasons to be alive. Secondly, I will help you organize your thoughts and master your emotions so that you can give the best father of the groom speech.

Anglo-Americans are the ones who started this tradition. The groom's father used to have a very important role in multiple aspects of the wedding. It was customary for him to open a wonderful event with a speech. While your attributions are not the same anymore, you still can't get away from giving a speech.

I know standing in front of all your friends and family, as well as many people you don't know yet, and expressing some of your most intimate feelings doesn't sound too exciting. However, your words will matter the most for your son, even if he's not usually a sentimental guy.

Look at this speech as a way to express your thoughts and feelings freely. Use those times when you feel happy and full of positive energy to write a balanced father of the groom speech. A good speech should stir emotions, but at the same time, it should put a smile on everyone's face. However, being a dad doesn't mean you're also good with words. That's why we have prepared a few guidelines for you.

Steps to Organize Your Thoughts Into the Best Words

When you try to put feelings into words and you don't succeed after your first attempt, you might feel discouraged. The idea of summarizing all the information in your head in a simple speech is intimidating. However, I urge you to use the following guidelines to come up with a speech to remember.

1. Start by introducing yourself

A great ice-breaker is to start your speech by introducing yourself. Even if most people who don't already know you will figure out who you are, it's still nice to mention your role in the wedding. After all, your family just got bigger, and you must make new acquaintances.

2. Greet the guests to attract their attention

Typically, the father of the groom speech is given at the beginning of the event. This means that all the guests are seated and you can easily attract their attention. You can also use this opportunity to thank all the people who were involved in planning your son's wonderful wedding, as well as all the other guests for showing up.

3. Address your son

Use this section to speak from your heart. It would be much simpler to use cliches, lyrics from a song, or words of a poem. However, a truly meaningful speech contains memories of your son as a child, a few details about his life as a bachelor, or something else that represents him. Don't forget to mention that you are proud of him.

4. Address his spouse

Your son's wedding is a special moment when you should do your best to think of his new spouse's good qualities rather than what you don't like about her. This doesn't mean that you should be fake and leave authenticity for other points. Think about the first day you met her and how she has changed your son for the best, and welcome her in your family.

5. State the positive aspects of their marriage

This section doesn't require you to search for "father of the groom speech pdf" either. This, too, should come from your heart. Put your most profound emotions into a remarkable speech. Share your wisdom with the young couple by telling them a little something about what marriage means.

6. Finish your speech with best wishes

In order to write a phenomenal ending for your speech, you still don't need oratorical talent or a lofty vocabulary. Your pure and sincere feelings are enough. Try to be yourself, smile, and reach out to your son, his spouse, as well as all the present guests.

5 Inspiring Father of the Groom Speeches

It might feel a little bit like cheating to find inspiration in other people's words. However, I assure you that the following father of the groom speech examples will give you a better understanding of what's expected of you.

1. A father's encouraging words

"Dear son, today marks a very important day in your life. It's like the beginning of another phase. During the past years, I've seen you grow as a man and watched you become happier. The companion you have chosen is wonderful, but remember she must be cherished and taken care of.

When I first allowed you to use a hammer, you missed the nail. You hit your finger instead. But did you cry? No! You said you were a man. That's exactly what I need you to do from now on as well. With each of your actions, try to act like a real man - the head of a family who relies on you.

I wish you both to only know happiness and live a long life. May all sorrows and bad luck avoid you. Congratulations!"

2. A speech based on marriage in general

"To my one and only son, J: You added not only a member to our family, but also plenty of joy. Your mother and I also have a daughter, now. She is beautiful, intelligent, and kind, as I'm sure you've already noticed. I urge you to take care of her. I know you can, because you have developed into a real man with plenty of courage.

Your mother and I want you to use your qualities and invest in this marriage. Have children, watch them grow, and do the same for them as we did for you. I send all my love to both of you. May peace, harmony, grace, and prosperity follow you everywhere you go!"

3. A message for the newlyweds

"Dear newlyweds, your wedding date marks the day when you have united your life paths. You have much more in common now than a surname. You rely on the most valuable thing, which is love. From it, mutual understanding will develop, and you'll be able to support each other.

Dear son, treat your spouse as a rose which blooms and gets prettier every day with proper care. You are now the head of your own family. Your spouse and future children will count on you and be proud of you.

Dear daughter, you can play the role of this family's guardian. Treasure it and welcome peace and warmth into your home.

I wish you a long marriage showered with the sweetest sprinkles!"

4. An emotional father shares his wisdom

"Dear son and now-daughter-in-law, I admire your energy, determination, youth, and the fact that you decided to commit to each other. You make me and your mom feel young again through your liveliness. We were once like you, and we are happy to see you tread in our footsteps.

We managed to stay together through all hardships of life by relying on two principles. One refers to being selfless and actually putting the other person's needs above yours. The second one is about being there for each other, always. I can say with certainty that love will nest inside your homes if respect and loyalty guide your lives.

Son, although you're the man of the house now, I want you to know I am here for you whenever you feel weak.

Let's raise our glasses for the newlyweds!"

5. Swans mate for life

"J. and K., you have finally done it! Congratulations! When I first met J. a couple of years ago, I was afraid my son would be too immature to hold on to her. I'm very happy my fears didn't come true. I am also very proud of you, my son, for taking responsibility and starting your own family. You have chosen a path to the unknown, and the ride might not always be smooth. When it's rough, remember to walk together until the end.

Your mother and I can't wait to witness both of your accomplishments and the birth of your first child. We promise to always lend a hand when you need it.

When I look at you, I imagine two swans cuddling together and keeping each other warm. They are notorious for mating for life, which is exactly what I wish for you two!"


We hope, using our advice for your speech or the verbiage we suggested will help you make your speech memorable so your son can see just how proud of him you really are for choosing to start a family.

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Words are powerful means by which we can express and explain the simplest notions, as well as the most complex human emotions. They become even more valuable when they represent a mix of multiple domains of expertise. And, in the hands of the right person, they are eye-openers meant to make our lives easier. As a writer, this is what I thrive on.