9 Cute Ways to Ask a Girl Out

Many guys need much time to ask someone out, and it is not a surprise. Rejection is just something no one wants to experience. But what if I told you that, if you ask someone out in an unconventional and unique way can help you receive a positive answer? There are so many cute ways to ask out a girl, other than just simply asking her a question. Many girls would be delighted to see that someone has actually put any effort into asking them out. I will give you nine great ways to ask a girl out, and you can see what would be the most suitable one. Remember that every person is different, so before you ask her out, try to guess what she would like to experience. Now, let's see these nine cute ways to ask a girl out.

1. Give her flowers

Well, flowers are often considered a cliché, but nonetheless, that's what a true gentleman would do. Also, this is the safest option, because there is no girl in this world who wouldn't like to receive flowers. You can buy roses, of course, but I would recommend that you buy something a bit more unique. You can also simply go to the flower shop and buy something that you find the most suitable. By doing this, you will imply that you have manners and that you are a true gentleman. Also, if you don't know her at all, maybe it's best not to be too extravagant because you might do something she doesn't like. Flowers are the safest bet.

2. Send her a talking teddy bear or something similar

This is just adorable, isn't it? Sending a small plush toy with a message is very original. Girls just love plushies! Don't buy the one that's too big, though. Putting an effort is great, but putting too much might seem a bit creepy if you two don't know each other well. While teddy bears are the best, you can try to be a bit more unique and buy, for example, a kitten plushie. You can even just send her a plushie, and write your name and a phone number. Then, you can wait for her response. If she doesn't answer, maybe she's already taken or just not interested. You will completely evade a direct rejection if it happens.

3. Light some candles

If you two are friends or if you often hang out together, you can create a romantic atmosphere and light some candles when she arrives (of course, ask other friends to be a little "late"). Be careful, though. Not every girl is romantic. Try to find out if she likes candles and stuff of this nature. The main thing is to guess the perfect way to ask her out. Anyway, putting that much effort can only be positive.

4. Sing it with music

If you play the guitar or something like that, you can play something in front of her and ask her out. Honestly, if she likes funny guys, you can come under her window and call her out. Of course, you should get to know her at least a little bit before you do this. If you're afraid of meeting her parents or hesitant because of her neighbors, then you can improvise. Also, if you are a great singer, you could impress her with your talent and sing a song that she likes. After that, you can ask her out. If she's a great fan of music, this is probably the best way to ask her out.

5. Try writing a message on a balloon or something creative

Truth be told, I would like to find a cute balloon attached to the handle of my front door. My advice is not to pick a heart-shaped balloon. It's a cliché. Be more unique and pick something else. You can write anything you want on it, but one simple "would you go out with me?" will do. Make sure she's home, and then just tell her to open the door once you're gone. It's cute, romantic, unique and it literally can't go wrong. You can do it in another way, of course.

6. Leave a bookmark in her on-reading book

If she spends a lot of time in a library or if you know that she reads a lot, you can borrow your book that she probably likes while telling her that she just "must read that book". Make sure the bookmark is not plain. It has to stand out. It has to make her actually examine it. You can buy many crazy bookmarks in bookstores or order them online. You can even tell her that she has a little surprise in the book, and let you know when she finds it, especially if she tells you that she has already read it. It's mysterious, completely original, and it's almost bound to work. Give it a try.

7. Write your request on the sand, snow, or window

If you live close to the beach, you can write a message in the sand and ask her to come and "see what she can find in the sand". She will be curious, and she will certainly not expect to read a message instead. If it's winter, even better. You can write a message in the snow in her yard, or write a message on her window. Winter is great, isn't it?

8. Send her a message in the form of a riddle

If you know that she's a bookworm or that she studies languages, she will probably love this one. Don't make it too complicated, and it's advisable for you to make it yourself. You can also search for some riddles online and then adjust them so they mean "would you go out with me" or something like that. You can use some kind of a secret code and give her a hint. This is a bit tricky, but if you do it right, she will be amazed by your wit.

9. Send her a hand-written letter

Trust me, I know so many women who yearn for an old-fashioned letter, written by hand. Make it look old (use a yellow paper and seal it with wax). You can write whatever you want, even just one sentence. You can convert your question into a monologue of how it would be if you two got out. Be imaginative and send it. If she doesn't know you, give her your phone number. After that, just wait for her message. There is a very small chance of her not receiving the letter.


Cute ways to ask out a girl are not as easy as simply something else that is not so significant. They require more effort, and people either don't have this or just don't want to bother with it. Don't be one of these people, and show your girl that you really do care about meeting with her and getting to know better. Pick one of these ways which suit both of you, and give your best.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.