8 Ways to Get Him to Open Up to You About His Feelings

From a young age, men are always taught to hide their feelings. They are taught to be tough and that showing their emotions is effeminate. So, when they grow up, men tend to have a harder time conveying their feelings, even to their loved ones.

As a result, when they enter a relationship, it can be hard for a man to admit his feelings to the woman he loves. On the other hand, women are stuck playing the guessing game when it comes to figuring out how the man they're seeing feels about them. It can be frustrating for both sides. Fortunately, we have compiled some tips on how to get him to say how he feels about you. Read on and find out how you can gently coax him to open up to you.

1. Make sure he's not committed to anyone else

Before you make any move on him, make sure he's not currently in a relationship with someone else. You wouldn't want to get your hopes up about a guy who is already in love with someone else. There are many ways to find out if he's dating someone else. All you need to do is dig around a little around his friends, take a look at his social media, or simply ask him directly.

Another thing you should do is figure out his stance on dating. Make sure he's not currently looking to move on from a past relationship to avoid just being a rebound. You should also figure out if he's open to starting a new relationship in the near future.

2. Be supportive

After you've figured out he's single, you can start making a move. The first thing you want to do is to develop a good rapport with him by showing your support. Let him know that you are always there for him. Allow him to show who he really is and avoid judging him. The goal is to let him know that you will always accept his feelings and opinions, no matter what.

3. Gain his trust

Trust is one of the main components of how to get him to say how he feels about you. A man will never open up to someone he doesn't trust. So, make sure to be a trustworthy person that he can be comfortable with. You can do this by showing interest in his life without prodding too much and also by sharing meaningful things with him. That way, he'll know that he can trust you with his feelings.

4. Spend time with him

Spending time with him will make him get used to your presence and thus, more comfortable around you. The key here is doing fun activities when you're with him. A serious one-on-one conversation when he's not ready to open up will only make things awkward. Instead, try hanging out casually with him.

For example, go to the movies, have brunch, or even visit the amusement park together. Make your activities lighthearted and fun. Also, make sure you're not forcing him to do anything he doesn't want; be sure that he also enjoys the activities you've picked. This will take the pressure off of him and make him willing to open up.

5. Allow yourself to be vulnerable around him

It's not fair to expect him to open up to you when you're guarding yourself as well. So, set an example to him by letting your guards down. Being vulnerable around him will make him more comfortable to open up with you.

By sharing your own feelings, fears, and insecurities, you will also encourage him to do the same. Make sure to be direct when you do this. Don't waste his time dropping hints here and there. Instead, be more direct and open about your own feelings.

6. Pay attention to his body language

Men often show how they feel without even realizing it. How? Through body language. It may take a while to get used to picking up his cues and signals, but once you're used to it, it will be quite easy to gauge his emotions when he's around.

Pay attention to how he acts around you. For example, if he's slightly facing away from you, he might feel a bit uncomfortable and not ready to open up. On the other hand, if he's standing or sitting closer to you, that's a sign he's already comfortable around you.

7. Don't smother him

Men don't like to feel smothered or trapped by someone else. When you're in love with someone, it's easy to assume that you want to spend all your time with him. But try to avoid this as this may only make him uncomfortable. Avoid chasing after him and being clingy to him all the time as it will only frighten him and cause him to push you away. Remember, everyone still needs their own personal time and space. Respect his boundaries and avoid disturbing him.

8. Be patient

Knowing how to make him talk about his feelings is useless when you're impatient. It's not always easy to connect with a man's heart. If you force him to open up to you, it might just result in him building up more walls around him. Instead, you should be patient with his progress. He might not want to immediately open up to you, but eventually, he'll open up if he truly trusts and loves you.

Takeaway Message

We hope you find these tips on how to get a boy to talk about his feelings helpful. Not all men are the same. Some can open up to you more easily while some may be a bit reluctant. The key here is to be patient and gentle with him. Don't force him to open up to you as it will only scare him away. Instead, be understanding and compassionate towards him. Eventually, he'll trust you enough to be able to communicate his feelings towards you.

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.