8 Important First Date Signs He Likes You

Many of us are on a love journey with the destination of finding a soul mate to spend the rest of our life with. It requires us to go for a date or several dates before we find the right one. The first date can be overwhelming for most ladies. At the end of the first date, you might not know if he has fallen for you or not. You anxiously wait for his call for the second date!

As the hours or even days pass by, you begin wondering if the date was not enjoyable to him as it was for you. When going for a first date, you risk setting yourself up if you have wild expectations. You need to be open-minded that you are meeting a new person, and the goal should be to have as much fun as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to learn essential communication and body language cues, which can offer you a head's up into how he perceives you. Here are a few first date signs he likes you.

Signs That He Likes You

It is not rocket science to notice if your date is into you, especially when you are spending time together for the first time. The words he uses with you and his body language are significant giveaways. If you are noticing how he treats you, you might get a hint of whether he likes you.

1. You really enjoyed yourselves

You might be nervous with each other at first. As the conversation proceeds, you start enjoying each other's company. You have a lot to say to each other and make each other feel good. Awkward moments like moments of silence are almost non-existent.

You are enjoying yourself if the waiter keeps asking you whether you are ordering anymore because you have spent a lot of time together without noticing it. One of the critical signs your date likes you is when he doesn't want to leave because you are giving him the best time of his life!

2. You two can keep talking all the time

One way of knowing if a guy likes you after the first date is if the conversation was flowing smoothly. You find it natural shifting from one topic to another. It shows you have good mind chemistry with each other, and you share the same interests. If he finds it easy to talk to you, it means he likes how you think. You can be sure you are on the same intellectual radar if the conversation is smooth.

3. You stayed close physically

If he keeps moving close to you, and maybe makes some form of physical contact, it means he is comfortable with you. Be cautious that physical contact is not sexually suggestive. If he likes, he will stay close to you, especially if it is an outdoor date.

On the first date, he might move close to you, try to hold your hand, or even brush your hair side. Staying close physically is one of the first date signs he likes as it shows he wants to bond with you. Be mindful of shy guys who might not be bold enough to move close to you on the first date and still want to be with you.

4. He texts you first when you get home

He has been thinking about you on his way home. He had a great time with you, and he cannot wait to show it. He might text telling you how wonderful it was spending time with you. He even throws in a compliment of how you dressed or your make-up. He wants to be with you if he is appreciative of you taking the time to have a date with him.

5. He asks for a second date

You know a guy is impressed with you if he asks for a second date. He does not want to keep you wondering how he thinks about you. It is the easiest way of communicating that he likes you. If he suggests that you go out again, be free with him and suggest fun things you can do for the second date. It is a massive sign of his interest in you. Keep in mind that the first date leads to the second that leads to the third and more.

6. He says he misses you

He cannot get you out of his mind if he categorically says he misses you. It might be a few hours or even a day after your date. It is an obvious indicator that the first date was a success. If a guy likes you, he will want to spend as much time as possible with you.

7. Strong eye contact

Your date may be signaling serious interest in you if he looks into your eyes for the good part of the time you are together. Continuous eye contact indicates he is comfortable with you longing to know you more. It might limit staring, sometimes. Do not be shocked unless he is gazing at other body parts instead of looking into your eyes. The dilation of his pupils is a biological response for his deep attraction to you!

8. Prolonging the date

He is not in a hurry to leave. He looks for ways to prolong the date. It could be ordering more coffee, slowly finishing his dessert, or even sustaining the conversation after the table has been cleared, and the bill is paid. These are vital signs that he does not want to leave you.

He might even suggest sampling another restaurant nearby or walking you home. It is a good sign that he does not want to say goodbye and walks you to your car, where he even engages in a small conversation before you leave.

The Next Steps

You may have seen first date signs he likes you, but do not pressurize him into going out with you again. Make yourself available when he desires to see you again. Let him lead the way!

Jatinder Kaur
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I am Jatinder Kaur and it has been more than 10 years since I have started writing on life, love and relationships. I love to read and write on hope and dedication that can inspire anyone to achieve success in life both in career and relationships. For me, life is not just about resources, but it’s about having peace and satisfaction in what you do. It’s good to be adventurous in life, but it doesn’t go well with relationships. You have to be calm and loyal to make your relations flourishing.