60 Best Comments to Leave on Your Crush’s Instagram Post

Got a crush? Thanks to technology, communicating with our crush is easier than ever, giving us more chances to shoot our shot. For example, commenting on your crush's Instagram posts can be a tactful way to drop hints now and again. Flirting on Instagram is a great way to test the waters and gauge your crush's reaction before full-on texting them.

That said, commenting on your crush's Instagram can get pretty nerve-wracking at times. It can be hard to figure out what to comment on your crush photo. You want to appear cool, but you also want to be noticed at the same time. So, what should you do? Luckily for you, we have compiled some of the best comments you can ever leave on your crush Insta post.

Compliment Them

Not sure what to comment on your crush's post? You can never go wrong with a little compliment every now and again. It will definitely not go unnoticed! Plus, giving your crush a compliment can show that you're really interested in them. Check out these awesome and foolproof compliments.

  • I love how expressive your eyes are.

  • You look breathtaking.

  • Awesome outfit!

  • Your beauty is so refreshing.

  • Wow! Is that a new haircut? Looking good!

  • This looks like a skincare ad. You're literally glowing.

  • I really love your style!

  • The most impressive photo I've seen today.

  • Your outfit is fire.

  • Your smile can light up a thousand rooms.

Show Interest in Their Post

Does your crush love sharing photos and videos of their hobbies and interests? Show them that you care about the things that they love with your comments. Show your interest in their posts using one of these comment examples.

  • [Insert color they're wearing] looks good on you. It's definitely your power color.

  • Um, I'm totally here for this content.

  • Perfect location for a beautiful shot. You're killing it!

  • Where did you get that [Insert object]? Adorable!

  • OMG! I went there last summer, did you visit [Insert interesting venue/place]?

  • Wow! They're my favorite band too! Which album do you like the most?

  • I love that restaurant. Have you tried their [Insert your favorite dish or beverage]?

  • You have an amazing voice! I never knew someone could sound that good.

  • I love that book too! Definitely one of my all-time favorites.

  • I've been wanting to watch that movie/series too!

Use Funny Pick-Up Lines

While some flirty messages can be cheesy and overused, some are actually quite creative. Use these cute and funny pick-up lines to win over your crush.

  • I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.

  • I was wondering if you had an extra heart. Mine was just stolen.

  • Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got fine written all over you.

  • Didn't I see you on the cover of Vogue?

  • You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.

  • Hey, you're pretty, and I'm cute. Together we'd be Pretty Cute.

  • I need to call heaven because they obviously just lost an angel!

  • Hi, how was heaven when you left it?

  • Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?

  • You must be a camera because you make me smile!

Make Some Jokes or Puns

Everyone loves a good sense of humor. Why not show your humorous side to your crush? Here are some funny puns and comments for your crush's pic on Instagram you can use.

  • I'm soy into you.

  • You make my heart skip a beet.

  • I like your sweater. It must be made out of boyfriend/girlfriend material.

  • We'd make an egg-cellent pair.

  • I'm so fawned of you.

  • Sorry if this is extra cheesy, but you have a pizza my heart.

  • There's no otter like you.

  • Words cannot espresso how amazing you are.

  • You're the bear-y best.

  • You look fantastic, pho real.

One-Word Comments

Sometimes one word is all you need to express your feelings. Short and sweet, these one-word comments will make you seem interested yet not too desperate. Check out these foolproof one-word comments.

  • Queen/King!

  • Lit!

  • Cute!

  • Awesome.

  • Gorgeous.

  • Cool!

  • Wonderful!

  • Pretty/Handsome.

  • Amazing!

  • Speechless.

Ask Them Out

Sometimes, you might get lucky and get the chance to ask your crush out. Don't let the opportunity pass by! Gather up your courage and be bold! When you hit the moment, make sure to shoot your shot! Here are some Instagram comment examples you can use.

  • Do you like to dance? Let's hit the club!

  • Come have dinner, I'm cooking! Bring nothing but an appetite, I'll take care of the rest.

  • Hey, I have two tickets for [Insert musician name] concert but nobody to go with. Wanna go see it with me?

  • Oh, you love basketball too? Do you want to see the [Insert team name] game with me this weekend? I have an extra ticket!

  • Wanna grab a bite downtown? My treat.

  • There's a new restaurant downtown. I hear they serve amazing pasta. Wanna grab a bite with me this Saturday?

  • Did you know that the theater is having a buy-one-get-one-free promo for the weekend? Wanna go see that new movie with me?

  • Wow, I didn't know you could ice-skate! Can you teach me how to?

  • Hey, I know this is super spontaneous, but I'm going out for drinks tonight. Want to join me?

  • I love art too! Have you seen the new exhibition at the National Gallery? Want to check it out sometime?

Takeaway Message

So, have you figured out what to comment on your crush photo? Never underestimate the power of interesting and cool comments. Flirting on Instagram can be a great way to drop hints for your crush. Good luck!

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.