6 Ways to Hug a Guy Romantically

Body language sometimes can tell you a lot about someone's emotions. Also sometimes it's much easier to express your feelings to the people you hold dear. Hugs can be sort of a greeting at times, but when you hold tightly on your arms and don't let go easily, that's something totally different. You can do it in many different ways to express different kinds of emotions. When a guy hugs you with both arms, you can't but feel loved and cherished. You should know how to embrace him affectionately as well.

6 Tips on How to Hug a Guy Romantically

Maybe hugging is a difficult thing to do for you because of various kinds of reasons. Maybe you are shy, or you aren't sure that you will convey the right message to the person you want to hug. But here you can find some tips on how to embrace your guy in the right way.

1. Put your arms around his neck

This sounds like a regular hug, but you should hold him closer and put your arms closer to his face. This is very romantic because your face will be much closer to him. When this happens, look him in the eye and smile, don't look away. I understand that this is a bit difficult, especially if you really are shy, but if you manage to do this, you will make that hug truly special. You can even put your palm on his face and make it seem even more romantic. This is a perfect position for a long, romantic kiss.

2. Lean your head on his chest and hug him with one arm

When a guy hugs you with both arms, you can hug him with one arm from behind and put your head on your chest. It will show your feminine vulnerability, and it will make him shower you with attention. This kind of hug is special because it reveals the amount of trust you two have in each other. Also, this is a perfect kind of hug if you are considerably shorter than him. Your head will fall directly on his chest. But even if you're of the same height, just tilt your head a bit more. This kind of hug is cute, and it indicates that you have strong feelings for him.

3. Hold him tight and don't let go

If you hold him this way, you will wordlessly tell him that you want him to stay in your life for a long time. It sounds quite silly, but trust me, body language sends strong signals which can be felt by another person. Tight and long hugs are very romantic, and they are used in situations where you want the other person to know that you want them by your side, no matter what. It's like those hugs from movies, where people hold each other and, without words, perfectly understand each other.

4. Gently stroke his back

This kind of hug is a bit more sensual. Do it slowly and gently, rubbing his back with your palms a bit, and look him in the eye. You don't have to hold him really tight, just put your arms on his back. If you want to show him that you are attracted to him both mentally and physically and to make him feel wanted, do this. If you want to spice things up but still be romantic, then this is the perfect kind of hug for occasions of like manner. However, this is a very common thing to do, so keep that in mind. Guys are usually not so good at reading women's signals, so maybe he won't get the message if you hug him this way. So if you just want to hug him casually, it will certainly do. It's really nice to hug your loved one from time to time just to remind them that they are something special.

5. Hug him from behind

If you want to surprise him pleasantly, then hug him from behind. It's really romantic, and it can be used in various kinds of situations; for example, you can make it playful, by jumping and suddenly hugging him tightly, or you can just hug him slowly from behind while he's doing something else. It's wonderful to show someone affection when they don't expect it. Unexpected things are the best. If you are much shorter than your partner, it will be even cuter. Don't hug him like this while he's doing something important and needs to concentrate, because you might startle him. So just be careful and choose the right moment to cuddle your partner romantically from behind.

6. Put your lips close to his neck when you hug him

Hug him gently and press your lips slightly to his neck. It's romantic, but it will show him that you really enjoy his physical presence. You don't need to kiss him in the neck. It's enough just for him to feel your breath and your lips just a bit on his skin. It is romantic but in a slightly different way. I would say that this is the best kind of hug if you want to show him that you find his body attractive and appealing. You can put your hands around his back, or you can put your arms around his shoulders.


How do you feel when a guy hugs you with both arms? Of course, I mean the guy who is important to you. If you want to make him feel the same way, then you can choose one of these types of hugs. Sometimes, words are far less important than actions and deeds, so instead of telling your partner about your feelings, open your heart in a slightly different way and express your emotions. If you want to express gratitude, trust or even seduction, you can do it easily with just a hug.

Ana Djurovic
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Hello, my name is Ana Djurovic, and I am a writer interested in various kinds of fields, such as beauty, fitness, art and traveling. I am very curious and always in need to expand my knowledge. I enjoy writing because it's something I can fully invest myself in. I think sharing our stories and experiences is what brings us together.