6 Reasons Why He Calls You Baby

You met a wonderful guy, gone several dates with him, and out of the blue, he starts calling you baby! "He calls me baby, but I don't know what he really means!" Most girls have always had this wonder go through their mind when a guy starts calling them like that. A lot of men appear to use the word "babe or baby" when referring to a woman. Some women may find it acceptable, while others consider it appalling because they don't consent to it.

Most of the women fail to understand the motive behind the word baby. Naturally, you start questioning yourself whether he is trying to communicate that he likes you, or simply using it because he has no other word to refer to you. Here are a few probable explanations of why a guy would call you baby.

Reasons Why a Man Calls You Baby

You can only guess why he is calling you baby if he is not open to you. Some of the questions you need to find answers for include whether he is doing it because he appreciates you, wants to flatter you, or only sexualizing you. When he calls you baby, you need to know what his intention is and how he feels for you.

1. He calls every girl baby

If you have just met and he starts calling you baby, then you should be worried. Some guys like going out with many girls to have sex with them, so they find it easy to call a girl baby. If you meet a guy at a social place like a nightclub or a bar and he starts calling you baby, you need to find out his intentions immediately. Associating with a guy who is known to be a player is bound to break your heart soon.

A well-mannered guy would not find it appropriate to call you baby until he is familiar with you, and has revealed his intentions. He will ask your name and nickname, if any, and he will only refer to you using your name. Such a guy is worth trying a relationship and seeing where it leads.

2. He thinks you are adorable

Guys are visual creatures, and they fall in love with the girl's eyes first. If you have known each other for a while, and he finds you adorable, he is most likely to start calling you baby. When he calls you baby, it means he considers you a cute baby that needs to be loved, protected and treasured. He wants you to know how he feels about you.

If you have started dating, you are his baby, and he feels the need to be responsible for you. He is the one to save you from bad encounters while assisting you to overcome any challenges you face. By calling you baby, he wants you to know that he will be by your side in good and bad times, just like a parent is protective of his/her baby.

3. He doesn't know your name or forgets your name

Men have a bad habit of forgetting the names of the people they meet, and in worse case scenarios, even forget to ask names. Many women have bragged to their friends that "he calls me baby" only to later realize that the guy had innocently forgotten their name.

It is possible if you have not interacted frequently at a personal level, and he uses the word baby in a friendly way. A guy might call you baby if he is trying to catch your eye when he does not know or has forgotten your name. It is up to you to either tell him or remind him of your name or get furious with him. You might want to find out why he calls you baby before you react.

4. He wants to be closer with you

If a guy notices that you are finding it difficult to get close to him, and he likes you, he might use words of endearment like "baby" to capture your attention. He wants you to know that you are special to him. He wants the two of you to get to know each other well. If you feel to give him a chance, he will show you why he calls you baby with time.

5. He thinks you are dating already

If you have known each other for a while, share common interests, and even do stuff together, he is likely to get the impression you are dating. When a guy calls you baby, it means you have been seeing each other, sending texts and calling each other frequently to the point he has established an emotional connection with you. You may not be formally dating, but in his mind, you are doing it.

He considers you his girlfriend, and he is seriously in love with you. Some guys think when you go out with them, and they call you baby, you have become a couple. Be cautious to find out if he is serious about dating or he has another sinister agenda.

6. A sweet nickname for you

Most of the guys have pet names for their girlfriends. He might be calling you baby because it is the nickname he has given you. If you are dating a guy and he chooses not to use your real name, and he calls you baby instead, it is a sign of his love for you. It is the simplest way a guy expresses his adoration for you, and he is not afraid to do so even in public.

In the End

Different guys call girls baby for various reasons. It is up to every woman to find whether it is because of love, flirting, nicknaming or any other reason. After that, you can decide whether to approve it or reprimand him over it.

Jatinder Kaur
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I am Jatinder Kaur and it has been more than 10 years since I have started writing on life, love and relationships. I love to read and write on hope and dedication that can inspire anyone to achieve success in life both in career and relationships. For me, life is not just about resources, but it’s about having peace and satisfaction in what you do. It’s good to be adventurous in life, but it doesn’t go well with relationships. You have to be calm and loyal to make your relations flourishing.