11 Signs She's the One You Want and Should Settle down With

There comes a time in every man's life when a decision has to be made. Since you are looking for signs she's the one, this time has most likely come for you, romantically speaking. Although you might not be certain yet, you are among the lucky people who have actually found someone special. Is your brain foggy due to elevated hormone levels or is this woman the one?

Let's find out together by going through a checklist of 11 signs she is not just another woman you're in a relationship with, but the one you will be with for the rest of your life.

Signs the Woman You're Dating Is the One

Some people say that we should feel it in our gut when we meet the right person with whom we will share our lives. Others like to use their rational side and make sure things will not go downhill right after their butterflies disappear. Although it's not simple to assess, the following signs should shed light upon the matter of your heart.

1. Your values are compatible

Until you met her, you had your entire life at your disposal to decide which principles to follow and where you stand when it comes to politics, and religion. Therefore, it would be difficult to change your views all of a sudden.

For this reason, long-term compatibility can be based on sharing the same values or at least similar values. When differences in mentality occur, they can destabilize any relationship. So, if you and your partner agree on life's most important aspects, then you can count this as one of the signs she's the one.

2. You never run out of topics to discuss

After a while, when you two lovebirds aren't as fascinated about each other as you were at the beginning of your relationship, you might end up sitting in silence. Or, it could be worse. You could stop talking about the weather or other superficial topics that no longer arouse your interest.

These are signs that your girlfriend might not be the one. Conversely, if you still talk for hours and jump through various topics with ease, then she is definitely resourceful and a pleasant chat buddy, a fact which will count in the long run.

3. Both your efforts are future-oriented

Making long-term plans with your current girlfriend is a good sign. How do you know she's the one? Simple - think about whether or not both of you are making efforts for building a future together. Are your efforts single-sided or is she working with you to achieve both of your goals? This aspect says a lot about a person's reliability.

4. You make her a priority

When you truly love a woman (or a man for that matter), you make her or him a priority. This is not something that you must do because you feel obligated. So, when you make your girlfriend a priority and you don't even feel bothered by what you have to do for her, it's a clear sign that you should be locking it down with her.

For example, your partner has a special day coming up that also coincides with an event you really want to attend. When you find it easy to pick her over your personal pleasure, then you know she's special.

5. She makes you a priority

Is she the one? She is if she also makes you a priority. The fact that she prefers to see you happy rather than making herself happy is a clear sign that she loves you more than herself. Isn't love just that - selflessness? You are the one to decide what it is for you. However, by making you a priority, your girlfriend is definitely showing signs she is wife material.

6. Your girlfriend lifts you up

When your girlfriend lifts you up and inspires you to be a better person, she is the one. Ask yourself this: Would you rather have an optimistic person by your side or a negative one?

Life is tough as it is, so the need for a supportive special someone is not questionable. Think about her way of talking to you when you are upset or her way of encouraging you when you most need it. If you always feel her close and determined to make you feel better, hold on to her!

7. Your friends and family love her

Psychologists warn us about how important it is for your friends and family to like your girlfriend. No one is saying that a minor incompatibility disqualifies her as the one. However, there are cases when people outside of a relationship can see its flaws better. So, try to listen to those closest to you when they share their opinion.

Don't let them decide for you, though. You are the only one who knows what is really happening.

8. Marriage isn't scary anymore

After countless relationships or affairs, you might feel different about commitment all of a sudden. Later, you will find out it wasn't all of a sudden - it was her. That is, of course, if she is really the one.

Regardless of the case, your attitude towards marriage could be slightly changed as a result of how well you click with your partner and how wonderful your relationship is. Take this as one of the signs she's the one.

9. You both have fun together

One of the best ways to charm a woman is to make her laugh. However, it should be the other way around as well. Making her laugh might feel rewarding for a while, but you also need to laugh.

If she manages to make you laugh or she is great at finding fun activities for both of you, then don't let her go. A woman with a good sense or humor, initiative, and a willingness to have fun in diversified ways is a keeper.

10. She is one of your best friends

Do you consider your girlfriend to be one of your best friends? When something great or bad happens to you, do you feel like calling her and telling her everything about it? Do you feel the excitement and want to share every detail of your life with her? Moreover, do you think of her as an equal and often follow her advice?

Think long and hard about these questions. They could reveal certainty regarding your partner for life.

11. You don't want her to change

Let's face it - trying to change someone is a dreadful ordeal. So, you'd better stay out of it. This goes both ways. If you want her to change on multiple levels or if she wants you to change drastically in some way, then it would be best to find perfection in the arms of another.

Love is about acceptance and understanding. Although you might not be thrilled about a specific personality trait your girlfriend has, it is important to understand her and accept her the way she is. In the case you can't do so, then it would be best to let go.

Evaluate Your Checklist

So, how do you know she's the one? A mix of subjectivity and reason is needed. One to enjoy all the positive feelings and the other to make sure they will continue to be part of your life for as long as possible. Use both to make up your mind about your girlfriend.

Finding someone so special is rare these days, and holding on to her is even rarer.

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