10 Ways to Tell If a Shy Guy Likes You

Shy guys aren't great at expressing themselves but this doesn't mean that you will never be able to tell whether he likes you or not. There are always some behaviors that shy guys demonstrate when they have a crush on someone. Discover the signs below that describe how to know if a shy guy likes you.

How to Know If a Shy Guy Likes You

Shy guys are usually very quiet and introverted. It's almost impossible to know what they're really thinking. If a shy guy fancies a girl, it can be tough to tell. Lots of girls say that shy guys make great boyfriends! It might take them a while to open up to you, but when they do, it's so sincere and makes you feel so special!

It's definitely worth the effort to understand the signs shy guys show when they like you so that you won't make the mistake of missing out on the man of your dreams!

1. Secret glances

Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched, only to turn back and see someone quickly turn away? If you find that the shyest guy in your office is always looking at you when he thinks you can't see him, he almost certainly likes you. He's probably checking you out or imagining himself as your boyfriend. He probably is trying to summon up the courage to come over and speak to you. A small smile might be all it takes to encourage him.

2. He is clumsy around you

Every time you approach him, he drops what he's holding or trips over something. It's almost like he's panicking. This is also how to tell if a shy guy likes you. His feelings for you and the thoughts he has about you makes him feel nervous and even shyer! He might begin to stutter and have difficulty speaking clearly to you. If he does this, be polite and patient with him. Perhaps in time, he will begin to feel more comfortable around you, and he will become less clumsy and more confident.

3. He treats you differently

If you find that the quiet guy offers you coffee, helps you with your bag, or always asks you how you are with real interest, then he probably likes you. If his attentiveness towards you seems to be more or different from how he speaks and treats the other girls around then he definitely has a crush on you. Accept his attention and let him demonstrate his affection towards you. It's a great time to know each other better in a friendly way before things become serious between you -if it eventually happens.

4. He is present whenever you are in need

Much like Spiderman and Batman, the shyer of the superheroes, your shy guy always appears whenever you need him. This can be because of the first sign - he probably has been glancing over at you and saw that you were struggling with the pile of folders you were carrying.

If you're wondering how do shy guys show interest, this is one of the most obvious signs. If you call him for a favor, he will do everything in his power to get to you and be your hero. All men want to be a knight in shining armor for the girl they like; this goes for shy guys too!

5. He listens and remembers everything about you

Last week you mentioned to your colleagues that you think your cat was ill, this week the quiet guy from the human resources department asks how your cat is doing -this is a sign that he likes you! If he remembers the little things you've mentioned and attentively listens to you whenever you speak, it's a sure sign that he fancies you. Keep having short conversations and get to know each other better.

6. He communicates a lot with you online

If he barely speaks to you face to face but is quite chatty with you on social media or group chats, then you have a shy guy on your hands. His shyness can be confusing, but this is how to tell if a shy guy likes you. He might struggle to express himself to you because of the feelings he has for you. Try having a natural conversation when you see him in person and look out for any other signs that he likes you.

7. He is jealous when you are with other guys

Although he's quiet if he sees you in the hallway, he'll usually come over, give you a little smile and say a quick hi. If you happen to be walking and talking with another guy, however, he might completely ignore you, or if you say hello to him first, he might appear angry or upset. He seems to be jealous when you're with other guys! This is a sign that he cares about you. Naturally, he isn't happy to see that some other guy might take you away or the thought that you might like someone else.

8. His body languages

Even if he doesn't tell you with his words, he will tell you with his body. If a shy guy has a crush on you, he might think he hides it well, but his body language will give it away. When he talks to you, his body will turn towards you. He may struggle to keep eye contact with you and will keep looking elsewhere. The moments when he does make eye contact with you, he might look deeply into your eyes. Shy guys might not have the courage to touch you, but he might do something called "preening" where he will pick fluff out of your hair or pick lint off of your clothes.

These behaviors are a good indicator that he has feelings for you.

9. He buys you things

This is one of the easiest ways to tell if a shy guy likes you. If he offers to pay for your coffee or buys you a sweet treat or lunch, it might just mean that he's generous, but it's highly likely that it's because he likes you, and this is his way of showing it. This is probably one of the best ways for any guy to show a girl that he likes her. As we all know, girls love receiving gifts! Gift giving is an act of love, so it's a great way to make a girl feel swept off her feet. If he's giving you gifts, you can feel a bit bolder to ask him out to return his kindness!

10. He seems interested but never makes a move

If you are trying to understand how to know if a shy guy likes you, unfortunately, number nine is one of the most common and the most confusing. A shy guy could give you many signs that he likes you -even for many years, but he never makes a move! He simply isn't able to build up the courage to approach you and ask you out on a date. This is difficult because that means unless the woman makes the first move or suggest anything that isn't completely platonic -nothing will ever happen. For most women making the first move is a no-no. There are many reasons why women do not ask guys out, and they make a lot of sense -even in these modern times! But if you suspect that this guy likes you and you like him back, you are going to have to go against convention and ask him out or else it will never happen.


You now know for sure that a shy guy likes you. Continue to be yourself and allow the relationship to develop naturally. If he's painfully shy, then a little initiative on your part could give him the confidence to finally let you know how he feels, and it will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship with a sweet guy.

Sarah Wahab
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My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.