10 Ways to Give Your Man Space Without Losing Him

In a relationship, there are often trials and tribulations. Sometimes your partner may declare that he wants some space. However, that does not mean the end of his love. Maybe he wants time to plan for his life and the future of your relationship.

Therefore, the best thing to do is to find out how to give him space without hurting yourself or him. Keeping your distance can help him breathe and think over issues on his own. It can also make him grow to miss you.

How to Give Him Space

Sometimes it is normal for your partner to want space in a relationship, regardless of gender. It helps them build lost chemistry and drive things in the right direction. If your partner wants some space and you are not sure how to go about giving it, here are some tips to guide you.

1. Give him space

Maybe he has not been texting you lately or hangs up the phone a little bit quicker than before. Perhaps you are worried and feel like something has shifted in the relationship. Give him the privacy he needs to solve his issues.

There is no need to feel terrified or heartbroken if he is not emotionally open. Try keeping yourself busy instead. Your boyfriend wanting space is perfectly natural, and it happens in any healthy relationship. Take this as an opportunity for him to miss you more and reach for more of you.

2. Put down your phone

Giving him space means learning how to make him miss you and reach out to you. Reduce the number of times you call or text him per day. Give him time to breathe and think on his own. However, you can call or text him once in a while just to let him know you are available if he needs anything.

However, do not take that as an excuse to contact him continually. If he does not reply to your text or ignores your calls, leave it there; do not put pressure on him. You may sound needy and desperate, and that will push him further away.

3. Encourage him to do something he is interested in

Encourage him to do the things he loves. Remind and encourage him to try the hobbies he enjoyed before you two met. Furthermore, connecting with the things he is interested in can be a great way to allow him to have his own time. Being supportive can show him how much you care about and treasure your relationship.

4. Share your good day at night

If your guy does not want to be pressured during the day, give him the space he needs. He will appreciate you more for being supportive and for understanding his feelings. No matter how great things have been for you that day, do not share them when he is busy.

Wait and talk to him at night when he is more relaxed. Let him know how you spent your day. Learning that you can be happy without him can wake him up.

5. Focus on your schedule and hobbies

Too much negativity can only drain your energy as well as sabotage your relationship. Spending some extra energy and time worrying about losing him won't make things any better. Give him space and focus on your own schedule.

Don't always find excuses to sneak him into your plans; that could be a sign of obsession. You can also look back at your hobbies and make yourself happy. He might be important and special in your life, but you also have yourself to take care of.

6. Dress yourself up

Sitting and worrying about why your man needs space can only result in depression. If you talked over it and are both okay with the decision, things will be perfectly fine. Whichever direction things go, do not lose yourself in the process.

Take it as an opportunity to up your game and give it the best shot. Dress yourself up and let him see you around looking incredible. This will make him jealous, and his ego will not allow him to enjoy his space in peace.

7. Make him laugh

Sometimes little things can work magic for a relationship. Giving him space doesn't mean you disappear for good. When you communicate once in a while, figure out a way to share fun moments and make him laugh. Remember that if you act too negative and controlling, you will push him away.

8. Trust and don't contact him during the day

Before you met him, you had a life, and perhaps a better one. It may be hard for you to understand the whole situation right now, but trust your partner and believe things will be okay. Do not distract him when he has great work pressure to deal with. People are different, and you cannot change the way he feels or thinks. You simply need to learn how to give him space.

9. Do not interrogate him

Perhaps he is an amazing man, and the fear of losing him drives you crazy. You badly want him back, so you are chasing him around. The truth is that you will push him further away and make the situation more complicated by doing this.

Additionally, do not beg or threaten him; you will look needy and desperate. That is the last thing he wants from you. Do not suffocate him with too much drama; he will come back if and when he feels the time is right.

10. Ignore him

If you feel your guy has been emotionally cold as of late, perhaps it is time you acted the same way. It might not be easy to do, but it is the wisest step to take for now. Especially if you have discussed it already, and there seems to be no change.

Do not make yourself available either. Be busy, and ignore him. He may realize you are not interested in chasing after him and start begging for your attention.


If you are having constant fights or quarrels with your partner and cannot seem to make any logical decision together, perhaps it is time you figured out how to give him space. It can help both of you have your own time and think over your issues without breaking the relationship. Above all, giving him space can make him miss you and drive things in a better direction.

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A dating consultant and writer. With his rich experience, he offers you practical suggestions and helps you solve relationship problems. Find the right one and avoid all thorns on the path to happiness.