10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Dating Your Best Friend

So, you and your BFF finally realized your true feelings for each other. What started out as a platonic relationship has bloomed into something sweeter. While this development is definitely exciting, you may also find yourself asking, "Should I date my best friend? Will it ruin what we already have?"

Yes, transitioning from the friend zone into a romantic territory can be tricky at times. But that shouldn't discourage you. You definitely can move on to the next stage without losing what you already have with them. Here are 10 things you should understand before starting a relationship with your best friend.

1. Flirt to test the waters

Before you start dating your best friend, you need to make sure you have mutual feelings. It can be a bit hard to see if they reciprocate your feelings if you two are already sweet around each other. So, you might want to try flirting with them to see if they're truly interested in dating you. Make sure they're flirting back, and they only flirt with you instead of everyone else. That way you know you can move to the next stage with them.

2. Friendship chemistry might not translate romantically

No matter how good of friends you are with them, don't expect that to translate into dating. You need to understand that the compatibility you have with your best friend might not necessarily be the same in a romantic relationship. People have different chemistry in different situations. Just because you share the same interests and have known each other for a while, that doesn't guarantee a successful post-friendship romance.

3. Avoid rushing

When you know you and your best friend have the same romantic feelings for each other, you might be tempted to rush to the next stage immediately. But, no matter how excited you are, avoid rushing into things. Rushing in love is never a good idea! Instead, establish strong emotional and romantic connections between you both to ensure a solid foundation as well as a smooth transition. Always try to be patient and understanding with each other.

4. Be on the same page with them

Before starting a relationship with your best friend, make sure you're on the same page with them when it comes to love. This is especially important if you want your relationship to last and avoid hurting each other. Discuss both your stances on romantic relationships with them. Here are some general questions you can ask them:

  • Whether they want a monogamous or polyamorous relationship.

  • Whether this is serious or a "friends with benefits" situation.

  • Whether they're genuinely interested or they just want something convenient.

  • What their goals are in a relationship.

  • What you two expect from each other in the relationship.

5. Manage your expectations

Usually, when someone dates their best friend, they might expect more from a regular relationship. Don't do this! You might expect this relationship to be a walk in the park, but you need to realize that fights and misunderstandings are bound to happen in any relationship. After all, you and your best friend are only human; both of you are prone to making mistakes. So, don't expect anything to be perfect. Remember, all relationships need work.

6. Accept that things might be awkward at first

Transitioning from being friends to being lovers can often be awkward, whether it's the first time you go on a date or even have sex with them. This is mainly due to the differences in relationship dynamics between the two of you. Don't expect everything to be magical since the moment you enter your post-friendship romance. To avoid disappointment and hurting each other, throw away your expectations and let things flow naturally.

7. Be direct and honest

One of the benefits of dating your best friend is that you're already quite comfortable with opening up to each other. When you date a stranger, you may feel a bit more reluctant to voice your needs and feelings. But with your best friend, you've already established a good relationship foundation. As a result, you can be more direct and honest in your approach. Take advantage of this and don't be afraid to speak up, especially at the beginning of the relationship. After all, being honest with each other is crucial in building a successful relationship.

8. Things will get complicated with mutual friends

Best friends usually have overlapping circles of friendship. So, when you start dating your best friend, expect a lot of questions from your mutual friends. After all, they've only known you two as best friends, so they will need time to adjust to the fact that you are now dating. In many ways, things might get emotionally complicated with your friends. Don't worry, though. It's not a bad thing. Just make sure to re-introduce each other as partners and give your other friends time to adjust to the shift.

9. Plan romantic dates

When you transition from best friends to romantic partners, you will need to start doing romantic couple things. Don't expect to just hang out like you usually do when you were just friends. Start planning more intimate dates with them to help your relationship grow. Movie nights are a great place to start, casual yet romantic enough. Here are some other fun yet intimate date ideas you want to try:

  • Picnic at the park or the beach.

  • Visiting the amusement park.

  • Cooking together.

  • Going on an impromptu road trip.

  • Hiking or enjoying nature in general.

10. Bask in the glory of love

Last but not least, make sure to savor every moment with them. Remember, not everyone is as lucky as you two. Dating your best friend is truly a blessing that doesn't come often, so enjoy it as best as you can. Sink in the love and feel the excitement rush when you're together.

Takeaway Message

Taking a relationship to the next level isn't always easy. But when pursued with the right intention and the right way, dating your best friend can be a magical experience. It's almost like winning a love lottery; you get to spend time with the person you like most all the time. So, count your blessings and make sure you enjoy every moment with your BFF turned lover.

Cornelia Parker
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Cornelia has been a writer for the last two years. Although she is young but talented in fashion and beauty writing, and strong interest for home stuff. Her mission is to spread information in the most engaging and enchanting way as she can as possible.