10 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back but Is Afraid to Make a Move

Your ex has been sending confusing signals of late, and you can't tell their exact meaning. Sometimes, love can be a tricky market to trade on. But they say love makes the world go around and breakups are part of the cycle. When they happen, some people break up for good while others get back together and establish the best relationship ever. So, there may be a possibility your ex wants you back, or maybe you're misinterpreting his actions.

Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

Rekindling old flames may not be a decision to rush into; because, if you're not careful, this may end up hurting you alone, or both of you. Remember, no one walks out of a happy relationship. So, understand why it ended in the first place, and tread carefully. If you can't figure out how to interpret the situation, here are some possible signs your ex wants you back.

1. They make excuses to keep in contact

So, your ex is on your case, striking any excuse just to keep in touch with you. They're sending casual text messages asking if you've had your lunch or perhaps, they want to borrow a novel they saw you read three years ago. If these unusual interactions become regular, then they may be sending signals that you're in their minds, and they wouldn't mind revisiting.

However, sometimes it may also mean they haven't gotten over the breakup yet and need some comfort. Most importantly, listen to your feelings towards the whole situation. Either way, trust your gut instinct and make an informed decision.

2. Keep your things well

Besides keeping regular contacts, your ex becomes the best brother's keeper around. They'll always safeguard your stuff. So, if they are overprotective over your things, it could mean they still care for you. Also, he or she might be willing to do anything to keep you and whatever belongs to you, safe. This sign is obvious; your ex wants you back. So, analyze the situation and figure out if you still have feelings for them.

3. They mention shared interesting experience

They always mention the past shared experience. This could mean they enjoyed good moments with you and now they are missing it. They may want you back, but he/she is afraid to make a move. If they keep reminding you of the dinner dates you previously enjoyed together or the trip you went on together, chances are he/she is missing your company and might grab an opportunity if it presents itself. Or it could be that they're desperate and seeking refuge. Either way, it is better if you closely observe their behavior to avoid getting hurt.

4. Curious about your love life

If your ex develops a sudden interest in your life, it could be that they are trying to establish if there is a chance to reconnect. They become too curious but can't approach you to ask. Perhaps they're engaging your closest friends to get to know what you're up to, or if you're seeing someone else. When you meet, they base their questions on your dating life. This could actually be among the top 3 signs your ex secretly wants you back.

5. Your mutual friends try to persuade you

They say a friend in need is a friend indeed. Your ex may find it comfortable using your friends to check on your progress. Out of nowhere, your mutual friends will start showing more interest in your life, asking you weird and unusual questions. They may want to know if you've moved on or if you have developed feelings for someone new. Actually, it is your ex who is desperately nagging them. It's another way to learn your life, which is also a clear sign that he doesn't give up and wants you back.

6. They keep in touch with your family

They always keep in touch with your family and continue to maintain the same bond with your little brother. As much as there is no harm in keeping in touch with your family, too much interest and communications may be a clear sign that the person has a hard time letting go. Even if they're hiding it, it could be that your ex still has hopes of hearing some news about you, and that explains the close connection.

7. He/she shows off their new life

Don Corleone once said that confidence is silent, and insecurities are much louder. Confident people maintain a low profile about their lives, unlike their insecure counterparts. If all of a sudden, your ex makes a complete U-turn with his behaviors, then they may be up to something. Sometimes they might update their social media, showing off fancy photos with the opposite sex.

Perhaps the first question you ask is – is he posting to get my attention? Yes. If you see your ex doing all these funny things, the truth is that they may be desperately dying inside for your attention. Your ex may be going through rough times, and they're trying to know if it's the same case with you.

8. He/She always tries to get a reason to fight with you

You were in a relationship with this person for a long time however all this person ever does is fight with you when you're together. Regardless of how logical your conversation seems to be, their level of bitterness is on another level, and they can't stop acting mad. This is not normal. If this is your ex, there is a possibility they haven't moved on yet, but their ego doesn't allow them to be calm. Or maybe they are making efforts to improve things. If it becomes too much, you need to observe the behavior critically and make an informed decision.

9. They text you

It starts with a "good night" text. With time it becomes frequent, and they want to know how you're doing. In fact, before you realize it, they're calling to let you know that your black sweater is still at their place. If your ex does this, it could be that you're still in their mind, and they miss you. So, this may be a sign the person is trying to get back to you.

10. They leave things at your place

The other day they "forgot" their watch and today your ex has left their wrist band at your place. It's not that they forget, because you've tried reminding them several times, but they're okay with it. This could be that they want to keep in touch with you. It's a clear sign they may wish to make a comeback. However, observe the situation carefully to avoid any misinterpretations.


There are many signs your ex wants you back. The above reasons are the common ones. So, if you think they're interested in getting you back, don't rush into the decision. First, consider the reasons why you broke up and determine if you'll be happy after deciding to fix the relationship. If so, have another try; if not, step out quickly and make a fresh new start!

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A dating consultant and writer. With his rich experience, he offers you practical suggestions and helps you solve relationship problems. Find the right one and avoid all thorns on the path to happiness.