10 Signs That She Wants to Be With You

Have you ever wondered if she is into you? No matter how long you think about it, you simply can not figure out whether she likes you or not. Women are usually shy and they don't communicate their feelings. But they keep dropping subtle hints through their body language, the way they speak and other signs that indicate if they want a relationship with somebody. If you feel like you are in this situation but you aren't good at noticing those signs, in the text below 10 clear signs she wants a serious relationship with you are presented.

Pay Attention to These Signs

When it comes to romantic relationships, women usually want the guy to make the first move. Whether you view this like old school, shyness or fear of rejection, it's complicated to read the mind and emotions of women. If you have been dating her for a while, however, you need to pay attention to her body language and behavior to figure out her true feelings for you. Even if she is a friend, an acquaintance or a colleague, and you feel something different about her when she is with you; chances are that she wants to be with you. So, let's take a look at signs and figure out if she wants to be your girlfriend.

1. Her body language

Even if she is not telling you that she loves you, her body language will reveal her true feelings.

  • She gets closer when you talk. She becomes a good listener and gets closer whenever you start to talk.

  • Slight touching. Women usually aren't very bold and open. So, she might touch your hands or her knees will touch yours a little. She will be very subtle when it comes to touching because she doesn't want it to be too obvious.

  • She is happy when she is with you. She will smile and be cheerful to let you know that she likes you. This is one of the clearer signs she is into you.

  • Being a bit playful. If she is a little playful around you, try to find out if she is just flirting or if she is serious about it. If she plays with her hair or teases you in a fun way, it's one of the signs that there is something more. But you have to be sure and do the research before making the first move.

2. She introduces you to her family

If a girl invites you to her family meetings, then it's pretty obvious that she wants a relationship with you. This one is hard to miss because you must be important to her if she decides for this step.

3. She is interested in learning about you

You can't miss this one either because she would not ask you about your family, friends or your past if she did not want to build a relationship with you. She will seem casual and ask about your life interests, hobbies and future goals. She wouldn't bother to ask if she wasn't interested in you.

4. She opens up about her past

Don't take this sign for granted. If she has found the courage to tell you about her past relationships, she is obviously gaining your trust in order to build a relationship with you.

5. Not going out with other guys

If she simply wants to spend time with you and doesn't go out with other guys, this can be a clear sign that she wants to be with you.

6. She hangs out with you

If she finds excuses to hang out with you, she is interested in you. She will try to find things you have in common and will make her plans accordingly. She will buy concert tickets for you if you like certain music or plan to go on a hike with you if you are an outdoor guy. Don't brush it off as a gesture of friendship only. Think about if there is something else and ask her if you feel the moment is right.

7. She cares about you

If a girl cares about your life, health, work or even about the smallest things, she definitely wants to be a part of your life. If you think, "What's the big deal? Friends care about each other", you've got it all wrong. She could even try to help you out in difficult situations and celebrate your achievements. She will also ask about your family and try to connect with them. That's one of the clearest signs she wants to be your girlfriend.

8. Trusting and sharing

If a girl calls you about important things or shares her experiences and thoughts with you, even more than she does with her other friends, then you have to think seriously about her and her feelings about you.

9. She talks about the future

When a girl starts talking about her future plans and includes you in some of them, even if it is just a weekend getaway, she is trying to determine if she can have a future with you. She might be thinking along the lines, "Can he be my partner" or "Is it going to work?"

10. She expresses her feelings

That's it, guys! If a girl has the courage to openly express her feelings to you, she is taking a huge risk. She understands that she can be rejected but she chooses to tell you about her feelings regardless. These women are straightforward and confident. If you feel the same way about her, never let her go.

What Should You Do?

If you figure out from subtle signs that she wants to be in a relationship with you and doesn't just want to be friends with you anymore, you too should be open about your feelings. If you like her, then be a man and tell her that you feel the same. But if that's not the case, at least be honest with her and tell her that you don't feel the same way. The best thing you can do is, to be honest from the start. Oh! Just one more thing: if that girl is not playing games and she is really serious, think about committing to her because real life is not a romantic comedy. You only get one chance. Who knows, this might be one of your best decisions and the beginning of an amazing relationship!

Rabiya Ehtasahm
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Hi, I am Rabiya Ehtasahm and I am a writer. Exploring the nuances of life experiences, relationships, and friendship, I love to express the beauty hidden in human connection. Combining personal experience with keen observation, I talk about being confident and being yourself when we enter into new relationships. Writing about the intricacy of love, friendship and relationships is just like opening up our hearts and souls and knowing ourselves better. I hope that you make that deep connection with yourself and those around you through my blogs.